Not Fair!

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Gracies POV (11 Years Old)

"Please Jay" I begged "all of my friends are going" I complained as we walked in to our apartment,

"I don't care if your friends are going Gracie, you're not" he replied and I whined,

"I'm not a little kid you know" I stated causing him to click his tongue,

"You're eleven years old" my brother reminded "like it or not you're still a child, there's not a chance in hell I'm letting you go somewhere on your own without adult supervision. End of" he finished making me huff,

"If I had a phone you'd know where I was going" I argued,

"Don't start with that again Gracelyn" he warned "you're not getting a phone. You couldn't even look after that stupid virtual pet thing you had. You went on and on about how much you wanted one and how you would look after it and what happened?" He asked and I slumped my shoulders down,

"I lost it" I mumbled,

"Exactly. And not only did you loose it, you lost it the same day you got it" he reminded,

"I'll be more careful with a phone" I defended causing my brother to scoff,

"We're not discussing it Gracie" he ended the discussion.

"Fine" I defeated "but you could at least consider letting me go tomorrow" I pleaded,

"There's nothing to consider. You're not going Gracie, it's pretty simple" he said causing me to groan,

"That's not fair" I stomped with a frown,

"Gracie" he warned "don't start" he said with a pointed stare and I whined as tears ran down my face in frustration "right, go to your room and calm down" he instructed and I groaned in defiance "one" he began to count "two" he said in a firmer tone but my feet remained firmly planted on the floor "last chance Gracie" he commented "three" he finally said as he made a move to grab my arm but I turned around and bolted off to my room and slammed the door behind me. Seconds later Jay opened my door and pulled me off my bed by the arm causing me to squeal and smacked my butt a handful of times making me raise on to my tiptoes "you do not slam doors Gracelyn" he reprimanded as he firmly but gently pushed me back on to my bed so I was sitting on the edge "now I suggest that you take some time to calm down before you land yourself in deeper trouble" he recommended before leaving my room.

I sat in my room and wiped my tears away angrily. It's so unfair! All of my friends are allowed to go to the movies! So why not me? I heard the sound of keys in the front door and Will walking in to the apartment so I left my bedroom in a bid to reach Will before our other brother did!

"Will" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up at him "Jay won't let me go to the movies with my friends and it's not fair! Everyone else is allowed to go" I whined and Will let out a frustrated sigh,

"You're eleven Gracie, there's not a chance that's happening" he agreed with Jay making me whine,

"Please Will" I whined as he removed my arms from around his waist in a bid to take his coat off "please" I said again but my oldest brother ignored my plea and silently walked in to the kitchen and got himself a drink "Will stop ignoring me" I implored but it didn't work "Willlll" I screeched as I stomped my foot like a toddler,

"Enough" he snapped "I said no and Jay said no so that's the end of it" he said angrily "I've been at work for ten hours Gracelyn and all I want to do when I get home is eat some food and relax. Why is it that every time I've walked through that door recently you've been whining about something?" He asked and I stayed quiet with tears in my eyes "no means no, now I don't want to hear another word about it. Do you understand me?" He asked and I frowned but nodded reluctantly "excuse me?" He asked once again and I sighed,

Halstead Sister One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora