You & Me

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Previous Story : Someone to Watch Over Me (Posted on 20-Jun-2021)

After that super long story, I just felt like writing a short story and actually I was feeling out of ideas, and drawing a big blank when I thought of something to write.

So, I am just going to randomly write something, I haven't thought through the story, so if it feels disjointed or stupid, please forgive me.

Madhu was chatting with Dipali, as they made plans on what to do that weekend.

"Tomorrow Mukund has invited us for dinner." Dipali tells her.

"Who is Mukund?" Madhu asks her curiously.

"Our friends. When we told them that you would be coming, Trishna, Mukund's wife insisted on dinner at their place." Dipali tells her.

"But I don't know them, Bhabhi." Madhu tells her uncomfortably.

"They are nice people. And you'll have fun. When you stay away from your country, then friends become your family." Dipali tells her.

Madhu nods giving in, she had come to stay with her brother and sister-in-law for two weeks in UAE.

"When will bhai reach?" Madhu asks her curiously.

"He should be reaching in 10-15 mins." Dipali tells her checking the time. "Office hour traffic is pretty bad." Dipali tells her.

Madhu nods.

Hearing the landline ring, Dipali starts to get up and Madhu quickly holds her back. "You sit; I'll answer the call."

"You are here for vacation not look after me." Dipali tells her irately.

"You should rest." Madhu tells her as she ran to grab the landline.

"I'm pregnant, not sick." Dipali tells her.

Madhu grins at her as she checked the phone. "RK home." Madhu informs Dipali.

"He is Sultan's friend. Might be calling for Sultan." Dipali tells her.

"Okay." Madhu says and answers the call. "Hello?"

"Ermm... Hello?" RK says from the other end, in a confused tone.

Madhu smiles realizing he was confused hearing a stranger's voice and wondering whether he called the right number. "Bhai hasn't reached yet." Madhu tells him.

"Ah okay... Madhu?" RK asks her.

"Yes." Madhu replies surprised.

"Sultan told me that you would be reaching yesterday." RK says.

"Ah." Madhu says then having nothing else to say, she tells him, "I'll tell Bhai that you called."

"No... I called for Dipali. Is she there?"

"Yeah. One sec." Madhu says and walks to Dipali. "He wants to talk to you."

Dipali nods and takes the phone. "Hello, RK?"

Madhu watches as Dipali softly starts laughing hearing whatever he said then she says smiling, "Come."

"He is coming here?" Madhu asks after Dipali cuts the call.

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