Love Game

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Sultan curiously walks towards the hotel room RK had messaged him. RK and he hadn't talked after their confrontation two months ago when RK had found out that his best friend was sleeping with his girlfriend on the side. He still didn't know, how RK found out about it, they had been very careful to hide it from RK. But RK found out about it and RK had sworn to destroy him and then he had been silent ever since. Nothing from his side for these two months, now just a message asking him to come to this hotel room.

Wonder what he was up to? He knew, it had nothing to do with Dipali as RK hadn't even given her a second glance after their fight. He and Dipali had continued their affair, it wasn't even an affair, they were just fuck buddies. He had never felt any guilt for having an affair with Dipali because RK wasn't serious about Dipali, RK was never serious about any girl. He changed his girls like one changed their shirts. So he had never understood why RK had reacted the way he did. RK didn't love Dipali, that RK, Dipali and he himself knew. Then why had he reacted like that? Just because, he had gone behind his back to sleep with RK's girlfriend? RK was big on exclusivity when it came to relations, which he never understood. Anyway, why did RK call him here? Does he want to patch up? They were best friends from childhood. RK practically grew up in his house. RK was a true friend. He never left any girl that came his way but when they both found out his sister had a huge crush on RK, RK hadn't acted on it, out of loyalty towards him and RK knew how much his little sister meant to him.

Sultan rings the bell as all these thoughts coursed through his mind. In spite of being childhood friends, he could never predict what RK would do next. So he was a little worried too about RK. If RK said, he would destroy him then RK would.

RK opens the door with a huge smile on his face. One look at RK and he knew, RK just finished having sex. His hair was messed up. There was lipstick on his lips and chest. He had no shirt and his pants was zipped up but not buttoned. He wasn't wearing shoes or socks.

"Why did you call me here?" Sultan asks him curiously wondering why RK would call him to a place where RK was having sex.

"I just had the best sex of my life." RK informs him as he leaned on the door frame grinning ear to ear.

"Really?" Sultan asks with a curious smile still not understanding why he was asked to come here.

"THE BEST." RK says smiling.

"Did you call me here to tell me that?"

"Obviously." RK replies.

"Why?" Sultan asks with a frown. Did he get back with Dipali? and did he think that was going to hurt him?

"Come on in. Don't you want to see her?" RK asks him happily as he guided him in.

Sultan curiously follows him wondering which girl, RK thought was important enough to him that it would hurt him if RK slept with her.

"Jaan." RK lovingly calls as he knocked on the bathroom door.

Sultan curiously watches as the door opened and the girl asked RK something.

"Just come out and see who it is." RK was cheerfully telling her.

Sultan looks around and sees a sandal and a jacket on the messed up bed. He walks towards the bed and picks up the jacket curiously. He had seen that jacket somewhere. He couldn't place where. So it was definitely a girl he knew, but who??

"Bhai?" Madhu gasps in shock seeing Sultan there.

Sultan stops in shock hearing Madhu's voice. No, can't be. RK would never do that. Not even in RK's wildest dreams he would think of doing anything disrespectful towards Madhu. RK knew, what Madhu meant to him. DAMMIT! RK knew what Madhu meant to him.

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