Andekhi Anjaani (One Shot)

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Hello everyone... couple of weeks back I was watching some clips of Kis Des Mein Hai Mera Dil... and in that there is a scene where Lalit Juneja tells Prem about his fiance... it got me wondering how it would have been if Prem and Heer had ended up meeting without any misunderstanding. So that got me to this story. Hope you all will like this.

RK walks to his father's study with a gentle smile on his lips. He opens the door to find his father standing by the window lost in thoughts with a drink in his hand.

"Dad... when did you come?" RK asks him smiling.

"Rishu..." Mohan turns to him with a smile.

"Patil said you wanted to talk to me. I didn't realize that you got back home. Patil said Mom is not back yet?"

"She will come back after 2-3 months."

"2-3 months?" RK asks shocked.

"After Malik passed away there is no one for Madhu, so she is staying with her till Madhu finishes her college. Then she will bring Madhu here." Mohan explains.

"Couldn't she be put in a hostel?" RK asks curiously, being an only son he was a little possessive about his parents.

"Madhu just lost her father, so we thought..." Mohan explains.

RK nods understanding, he couldn't think of a life without his parents and Madhu seemed to have lost both her parents, mother when she was a kid and father now. He says a silent prayer to give her strength and then quickly forgetting about Madhu he asks, "Mom is going to be fine there, right?"

"Yes." Mohan nods his head. "I wanted to talk to you about something else."

"What?" RK asks him curiously.

"Malik and I grew up together. More than best friends we were brothers." Mohan starts explaining while RK curiously listens on without asking any questions. "But once we started working, we got so busy with life and we moved to different city that we were not able to keep in touch with each other much apart from courtesy calls on birthdays and festivals. But we were always friends and his problem was always mine and mine, his. That is why when I found out about his accident, Radha and I went to see him immediately. On his death bed, his only worry was his daughter, Madhubala. He was worried for her future and I promised him that you would marry her."

Mohan looks at RK and sees him looking at him in shock.

"I know, it was not right on my part to take such a big decision on your marriage without talking to you first but he was dying and he was in pain. I wanted to ease his worry and this was the only way I thought possible. I know you have your dreams and thoughts on your life partner, I knew all that but I just couldn't see him suffer like that." Mohan tells RK helplessly and sees that RK had turned around to face the window. "She is a nice girl. Radha and I love her." Mohan tells him.

RK softly nods to let him know that he heard.

"I know I am asking too much from you. To marry a girl neither you have met or know anything about other than her name. You deserve to get the right to choose who you want to spend your life with."

"But you gave your word." RK gently interjects.

"I did." Mohan says looking down guiltily. RK sighs as he walked towards the window and looked at the sky lost in thoughts.

"What are you thinking?" Mohan gently asks him.

"What did Madhu say? Did anyone ask her whether she wants to marry me?" RK asks Mohan.

"It was Malik's last wish, so she said yes." Mohan tells him.

RK nods his head then he turns to look at his father and smiles softly, "If you and Mom liked her then I will also like her."

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