Child Marriage 2 - Balika Vadhu/ Child Bride

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Hello everyone....

How are you all?

Thanks to all for voting and commenting on my previous story. Sorry, I won't be able to reply to your comments as I am a little busy.

Will reply to PM soon.

Previous Story : Dumb & Dumber (Posted on 02 – Sep- 2021)

I started writing this story like ages ago. When MEIEJ was going on. But I had left it a little into the story. I had quit the story at the phone conversation bit, and the only scene idea I had was when Dipali comes home before the leap. Then I had a basic idea for the post leap bit, but the Motihari parts also just happened as I wrote the story. it wasn't planned, so if it all feels disjointed, please ignore

Haven't proofread it.

Hearing the soft coughing, RK turns to look at his so called wife. She was excitedly looking out the car window. It was her first time in Mumbai. He felt like crying. His wife was just 15 years old and he was just 20 years old. He couldn't believe that he was married. Apparently, he had been married for 12 years now. 12 YEARS! God! He didn't know that child marriage was still practiced in this world. 3 months ago, he had the shock of his life when his parents had informed him about his wife, whom he had married when he was a kid. He had refused to believe that he was married, till he had seen the photos of their wedding. His wife, Madhubala Malik, was back in Motihari where he was born. Now that she has finished her 10th standard and there weren't any institute for higher education for her there, her family had called up telling them that it is time to take their bahu home so she could continue her studies here and start her married life too.

He had thrown a fit and refused to accept the so called marriage and wife. He had stood his ground for 3 months and had to give in to all the emotional blackmail. But he had told his parents that he will not have any kind of relation with her till they are legally married and that would be at his own time. And since, Madhu finished her exams last week, they had gone to Motihari to take her home.

Feeling his eyes on her, Madhu curiously turns to look at him and catches him watching her. she shyly smiles at him and he tightly smiles at her. even though he was angry with her for this marriage, a logical part of his brain kept telling him that just like him, even she was an innocent victim. But the illogical part of his brain did blame her for accepting this marriage. That part accused her for not being an ideal wife by not standing by him in fighting this cruelty on them, as illogical as it sounded, he did blame her for that. He looks away and his eyes catches his mother's who was sitting in the front while his father drove the car. His mother smiles at him and he angrily glares at her and looks away.


Few days later, RK was coming down the stairs when he notices Madhu running up the steps. He quickly steps aside to let her pass and she stops near him, shyly smiling at him. he smiles at her and quickly runs down. The girl had a crush on him. he had realized it within a day with the way she was blushing and giving him all love struck looks. God! She was a kid! The fact that she didn't look anything more than a child didn't help one bit.

"Rishu..." Radha calls him as she hurried behind him to stop him.

"Yeah?" RK turns to her irately.

Radha hurries to him and taking hold of his hand, she pulls him to a corner. "Why are you not talking to Madhu?"

"I don't have anything to tell her."

"But Rishu, she is your wife."

"Not till I marry her legally." RK tells her in finality.

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