When Love Awaits

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When Love Awaits

- a second chance at love.

Madhu happily walks into the cafe and spots RK waiting for her. He seemed upset about something, but she was too happy with her news that she decided to share her news before she asked him what was troubling him. And once he heard her news he would be happy too, forgetting everything else. He gets up seeing her and she hugs him happily kissing him on his cheeks. He hugs her tightly, a little more than he usually does. "I want to talk to you." RK tells her. "Before that I want to tell you something." Madhu cuts him off happily. "This is important, Madhu." "This is more important. I talked to my parents and they agreed for the wedding. Bhaiyya said he will also come for the wedding. Isn't it great?" Madhu tells him excitedly. RK sadly smiles at her hearing that. "You talked to your parents?" she asks wondering whether they refused and that is the reason he was upset, as they had decided that they would wait till they got their parent's consent before they married, they were bound to have objections as she was a Bengali and he was a Punjabi. "I did." "But they didn't agree." Madhu says sobering up seeing him upset. "My sister is pregnant." RK tells her. "Trishna? But she is not..." Madhu starts and stops. "The guy is saying that only if I marry his sister he will marry my sister." RK tells her. "How can he say that?" Madhu asks angrily. "His sister it seems has been in love with me. I didn't even know that. They are our family friends." "What have you decided?" "When I think of Trishna, I..." RK stops as he tried to get his thoughts right. "I don't care, Madhu. I love you. I want to marry you." RK tells her in finality. "What about Trishna and her baby?" Madhu asks forced to think of his little sister. "I don't know." RK says desperately. "When I think about her I want to sacrifice my happiness for her, but when I think of you, I just want to be with you. My head will burst now." RK says as he held his head helplessly. "My parents and Trishna expects me to sacrifice you for Trishna but without you I am nothing, Madhu." Madhu knew him well, all she has to do was tell him and he would marry her, but then for the rest of his life he would live with the guilt that he ruined his sister's and her baby's life. His relation with his family will be broken. He would live in hell and she loved him too much to see him suffer like that. "I will always be with you, RK." Madhu tells him smiling. RK looks at her hopefully. "So what if we are not married or we are not together physically? We will be each other's support. We will be with each other in our memory and love. Not every love finds its happy ending. Some remain incomplete." Madhu tells him as she lovingly caressed his cheeks. "NO!" RK says forcefully.

RK wakes up sweating profusely. It's been 5 years, but he dreams of that day every single time he sleeps. She had left him, without a trace. At times, it felt like those 9 months with her never happened, but the heart ache made it seem real as if it happened yesterday. He wondered where she was, what she was doing now. Maybe she got married and moved on in life. Wherever she was he wished and prayed she be happy. The sacrifice she had made for his sister had only made his love for her all the more intense. Realizing he was sweating, he removes his seat belt and gets up from the seat and goes to freshen up. By the time he had come out, the seat belt sign was on and the announcement was made that they were about to land. He resumes his seat and pulls out the file he had been studying before he fell asleep. He was going to New York to finalize a merger.

The next day, he was ushered into Anurag Chatterji (Hiten Tejwani)'s cabin. Anurag Chatterji was the MD of Renaissance, the company he was planning the merger with. Seeing RK, Anurag immediately gets up and shakes his hand with a smile. "Mr Rishab Kundra, finally we meet." "Yes finally." RK says with a smile. "I hope your flight and stay is comfortable." Anurag says pleasantly. "Everything is fine." RK replies. Anurag gestures him to sit and RK sits, and Anurag also sits. They start discussing the merger. They were deep in discussion when the door bursts open, and they both look up in irritation. Anurag's irritation soon changes into a big smile, RK looks at the direction Anurag was looking wondering why there was no decorum in this office, you don't barge into an office, specially your MD's cabin. Finally seeing the intruder he couldn't help smile. It was a small boy, hardly 4 years. "I am here!!!" he shouts happily as he ran to Anurag. Anurag scoops him up in his arms as he happily smiled. Turning to RK regretfully, he says "Sorry. Just a minute." "Take your time." RK says smiling at the boy. It was evident that the boy was Anurag's son, he was his mirror image. "What are you doing here? Haven't I told you not to come here like this, especially when I am in a meeting?" Anurag lovingly scolds him as he pulled his nose. The boy starts laughing, "Yes you have told me." "Then?" "But I like coming here, Papa." he says, "Really?" Anurag starts tickling him on his stomach and he starts laughing loudly. "Where is your Mama?" "Upstairs." "She knows you are here?" the boy nods his head quickly, a little too quickly. "Abhi..." Anurag says in a warning tone. "No." he pouts. Anurag shakes his head in disappointment. His phone starts ringing and he looks at the caller id, "It's your mama." "Don't tell her I am here." "I will tell her." Anurag tells him and quickly takes the phone saying, "He is here, I am sending him up." then he hangs up smiling seeing Abhi pout. "You are bad!" Abhi says angrily. "So are you." Anurag replies grinning. "I am not bad! I am hulk!" Abhi says proudly as he made Hulk pose. RK starts chuckling seeing that. Anurag and Abhi turns to look at him. Abhi frowns at RK for laughing at him. "You do look like hulk." RK tells him to appease him. Abhi makes the Hulk pose more proudly now. "Now, go." Anurag says as he gently eased him off his lap. "Who are you?" Abhi asks RK having caught his attention. "Rishab Kundra, you can call me RK." "I am Abhimanyu Chatterji, you can call me Abhi." Abhi says as he puts his hand forward for a shake hand, RK takes his hand and smiles at him. Then Abhi smiled at him, at him and his smile reminded RK of Madhu's smile. There was an uncanny resemblance in the way he smiled. RK's heart breaks realizing that if he had married Madhu, then maybe they would have had a kid like Abhi now. "You should go now, Abhi. I have an important meeting and your mama is waiting for you." "Okay." Abhi says pouting. "Bye RK." "Bye Hulk." Making Abhi smile at him, like the way Madhu used to smile at him when she was truly happy, the only difference was Abhi had a slight hint of a dimple when he smiled. RK watched as Abhi dragged his feet to prolong his stay there. RK wanted Abhi to stay back, it was strange he was always weird around kids, but with Abhi he wanted to get to know him, maybe it was because of the resemblance he felt with Madhu. "He is a cute boy." RK tells Anurag after Abhi leaves. "He is a brat." Anurag tells him proudly, "he is having holidays now and he is bored out of his wits. So he keeps coming here without his mother finding out." Anurag tells him. "Do you have any plans for the evening?" Anurag asks. "No." "Then please come home for dinner." Anurag invites him. RK nods his head, "I stay in pent house in this building." Anurag tells him, and then they get back to their discussion.

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