Battle Scene

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Hey, so PotterheadTilDead noticed that I said I'm bad at writing battle scenes, so they wrote one:

At once the Dark Forces rushed forward but the Light were overconfident. Harry and Marvolo hovered on the edge of the battle, watching their armies' progress and meaning to help those who were overpowered: but they didn't need to.

Tom had taken over Kingsley Shacklebolt and Nymphadora Tonks, both highly skilled Aurors; but even as Harry watched, Tonks fell to the ground with her wrists bleeding: Sectumsempra. Smirking, Harry turned to watch Draco floor Hestia Jones and Dedalus Diggle. Remus and Sirius were in combat with Mad-Eye Moody. Barty Crouch Jr. was dueling his father. Regulus and Severus had taken to Cruciating Aberforth Dumbledore.

Then Marvolo nudged Harry and nodded towards the centre of it all, where the Demon Twins were fighting and beating Molly, Ronald, and Granger. Dumbledore had been buffeted by the oncoming crowd. Harry smirked in assent. They both cursed their way towards the old man. Dumbledore didn't see them coming; he was busy shooting curses at Severus, who was dodging them easily.

Marvolo raised his wand and shot a nonverbal Body-Bind Curse at the old man. It was so strong that he couldn't even breathe; he was turning purple. Marvolo released him and instead bound him in invisible ropes; he wouldn't die that easy. Harry cast the Cruciatus Curse at Dumbledore and watched as the old man and writhed and screamed in pain, just like his brother.
Molly rushed forwards but Marvolo repelled her by a lazy flick of his head, where she fell at Lucius's feet, who started dueling her instantly: Molly was overpowered in five minutes. Harry stopped torturing Dumbledore. The old man kneeled at his feet, panting.

Tom came over and took his free hand. With a nod to Marvolo, the three raised their wands and uttered the same curse that had started all this: "Avada Kedavra!"

Three jets of green light hit Dumbledore squarely in the chest.

The Dark had won.

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