Chapter 6

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 "We have a transfer student this year," Headmistress McGonagall announced. "He will be sorted before the first years."

"Sullivan, Ambroise," Severus called. Immediately, whispers started up; not because 'Ambroise Sullivan' was well-known, but because the Dungeon Bat sounded happy. (Ambroise: Immortal; Sullivan: Dark)

Harry watched eagerly as his Tom walked up to the Hat. He had been glamoured slightly: he still had his (incredibly handsome) looks, but his hair was a dark amber color, while his eyes were a slightly lighter green.

For a moment, the Sorting Hat was silent. Then it shouted, "SLYTHERIN!"

Tom took off the Hat and strode over to the yelling Slytherins. Harry smirked. His snakes knew Tom was Harry's boyfriend, and treated him with respect ⎯ except for Pansy Parkinson and Tracey Davis, who had wanted to become Harry's girlfriends.

"Ackerley, Stewart!"


"Baddock, Malcolm!"


"Branstone, Eleanor!"


"Cauldwell, Owen!"


"Creevey, Dennis!"

Harry groaned as a tiny first year, who was more soaked than the rest of them, and wearing Hagrid's coat, staggered up to the Hat. Not another Creevey!

There was a short pause, and then the Hat shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!"

A long while later, the Hat sorted the last first year (Whitby, Keven, who became a Hufflepuff) and McGonagall stood.

"You may eat," she said. She sat down as food appeared on the platters.

"I'm glad you're in Slytherin, Am," Harry smirked at Tom, dishing some mashed potato onto his plate.

Tom rolled his eyes exasperatedly. "I still think Ambroise sounds like a girl's name," he said in a slight Scottish accent, passing the turkey drumsticks to Vincent. As he was technically an inanimate Horcrux, he was unable to eat. "Especially when you call me 'Am!'"

Several of the Slytherins within earshot snickered.

"It means 'immortal,'" Harry pointed out, which silenced Tom.

"Who do you reckon that is?" Blaise asked, nodding at the staff table.

Harry didn't even bother glancing over as he said, "That is Severus' assistant, Regulus Snape-Black."

Draco spat out his mashed potato. "Uncle Reg's alive?" he choked. "I thought he was dead!"

"Technically, he was," Harry mused. "He was an Inferi. I turned him back into a human."

"No wonder Uncle Sev looks so happy," Draco said dryly, rubbing his throat. "Next time, tell me things like that when I don't have food in my mouth."

"You okay?" Fred asked concernedly.

Draco blushed. "Uh, yeah, fine."

George snickered, and Fred punched his arm, mock scowling.

When the desserts had disappeared, McGonagall stood. "We have a few important announcements," she said sharply, "so I suggest you pay attention.

"First, Professor Severus Snape-Black has expressed a desire to have an assistant. His husband, Regulus Snape-Black, has agreed to take this position."

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