Chapter 3

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Remus and Sirius were among the few hundred that had been allowed to Apparate directly to the Quidditch Cup site, so the day before the match, Harry was forced to endure the horror that is Apparition.

When his godparents and adopted brothers landed on a grassy hilltop, Harry collapsed, retching. "Hate ⎯ Apparition," he choked.

A voice chuckled, and Harry looked up to see two men. One of them was tall with dark skin, and the other was-

"Severus," Harry grumbled playfully as he staggered to his feet, clutching his stomach, "are you laughing at my pain?"

"Of course not," Severus said, his expression blank. "Mutt. Remus."


"Hello, Severus," Remus said politely, clapping a hand over Sirius' mouth. "Do you have a Stomach Reliever Draught, by any chance?"

"When it comes to Harry and Apparition, I always come prepared," Severus replied with a faint smirk, pulling a vial out of his pocket.

Harry took the vial from his Potions professor and downed it, gasping. "Thank you," he said with relief, handing the container back. Severus put it back.

"Harry, may I introduce Kingsley Shacklebolt?" Remus said, nodding to the dark man. "He helped arrest Dumbledore."

Harry beamed. "Thank you ever so much, Mr. Shacklebolt," he said warmly, ignoring the snickering twins behind him. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Shacklebolt chuckled. "Everyone calls me Kingsley, Lord Harry." He bowed deeply.

Harry frowned. "'Lord...'"

The man's eyes twinkled. "You are the Lord and Heir of Hogwarts, are you not?"

Remus gaped, and Sirius squawked in shock. Harry rolled his eyes, realizing he'd "conveniently" forgotten to tell his caretakers about his status.

"How did you find out?" Harry asked calmly.

"I knew James was descended from Gryffindor, and that Lily was descended from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff; since you defeated Voldemort twice-" he ignored Severus' flinch "-it wasn't hard to guess that you also became Lord and Heir of Slytherin, as well."

"Cub?" Remus squeaked. "You-"

"Merlin, Remus," Sirius snorted. "We coulda guessed. We knew all of that, too. Well, my lord," he added dramatically to Harry, "shall we show you your temporary quarters?" He bowed low, causing the twins to cackle.

Harry suddenly remembered why he had neglected to tell his godparents.


About half an hour later, Harry was standing in front of a tiny, two-man tent. He glanced incredulously at Remus and Sirius. "Er..."

"Pup," Sirius grinned, "did you forget about magic? Go on, take a peek."

Harry blushed, then quickly ducked into the tent, ignoring the twins' snickers and Tom's chuckles.

Inside the tent... was not a tent. It appeared to be the front hall of a mansion. Harry rolled his eyes. "Stinking, egotistical Blacks," he grumbled.

"Sorry, what was that?" Sirius asked innocently, appearing behind him. Remus, still looking stunned that his cub basically owned Hogwarts, the twins and Tom followed.

"Nothing," Harry said sweetly. "I was just wondering how you manage to fit through doorways, given your head is swollen to the size of the moon."

Fred and George cackled, and Tom smirked. Sirius gasped dramatically.

"I have never been so insulted!" Sirius exclaimed. "How dare you! I should challenge you to a prank war!"

Harry gave a very malicious smirk. "Are you sure you want to go against the twins and I, dearest Uncle? They pranked Dumbledore once and got away with it."

"Are you insane?" Remus sputtered, staring at Fred and George.

"Yes," they chorused, not even denying it.

"That reminds me," Harry mused, "I want to see Neville, Luna, and Draco here in an hour. We have things to discuss."



"Fine, no prank wars," Sirius pouted. "Let me show you around!" he declared eagerly.

"You will take the twins and Tom," Harry ordered. "I want to talk to Uncle Moony."

Sirius saluted. "Come on, Demons ⎯ Harry's boy toy." He rushed off, followed by the cackling twins and a furious Tom.

"Yes, cub?" Remus asked quietly, looking down.

Harry sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I apologize for not telling you and Sirius. I-"

"I understand why you didn't tell Sirius, Harry," Remus said softly. "Sirius isn't exactly... well... I just ⎯ I thought-"

Harry, realizing what Remus had thought, pulled his godfather into a hug. "I trust you, Remus," Harry said quietly. "I trust Sirius, too, but..."

"He's more mocking of your title than respectful," Remus said, his voice warmer. He rubbed Harry's head, relaxing. In a much softer voice, he whispered, "I wouldn't care if you're the king of wizardkind, Harry ⎯ I will always love and respect you."

Ignoring his burning eyes ⎯ It's just dust, just dust ⎯ Harry whispered, "Thanks... Dad."

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