Chapter 11

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 "Amber," Harry hissed. Tom didn't stir. "Tom."

Tom snorted and sat up, blinking. "Wha-?" he mumbled. He broke off when he saw that Harry was wearing his Black Knights uniform.

It was a jet black, almost obsidian, bodysuit with green trim. It was also tight enough to show off Harry's Quidditch muscles. There was a symbol on the front of the top part: the black chess king. He was also wearing a long cape that brushed the floor and a black crown. A beautiful green mask with black trim covered half his face.

"What?" Harry asked, noticing that Tom was practically drooling.

Tom blushed. "Erm... it's a cool uniform," he stammered.

Harry smirked and held up another uniform. "We're going on a raid, my queen," he purred, making Tom turn an even brighter red. "Get dressed."

"Out," Tom ordered, standing up and taking the outfit from Harry. Harry smirked, kissed his cheek, and left the room.

Tom quickly put the uniform on. This one was similar to Harry's, except there was a picture of the black queen on his chest, and the crown was smaller. (Tom was surprised Harry hadn't given him a tiara.)

He opened the door to find Harry, Sirius, Remus, and the twins waiting. The uniforms they were wearing were also similar to Harry's and Tom's, but Remus' had silver trim and had a rook symbol, and the twins' and Sirius' uniforms had gold trim with a pawn symbol.

"Is anyone else joining?" Tom whispered to Harry.

"I wanted the first raid to be with my family," Harry said simply. Tom heard Remus choke back a few tears.

"Oh, pup, we love you, too," Sirius said warmly, and he and the twins practically attacked him.

"P- Grim, Oberon, Puck, we're going on a raid, you can't hug your king on a raid!" Harry protested, pushing them off.

"Oh, sorry, My Liege," Sirius said dramatically. Remus swatted him and he yelped, causing the twins to snicker.

"Where are we going?" Remus asked curiously.

Harry straightened and said firmly, "Knockturn Alley. We need potions ingredients and potions. Alpha, Grim, I need you to get these ingredients." He handed them a list from his pocket. "Oberon, Puck, I need you to get these potions." The twins eagerly took the list. "My Queen and I will be getting something else."

"Be careful," Remus said quietly.

Harry nodded regally and pulled a boot, a newspaper, and a bottle from his pocket. He gave the bottle to Remus. "That will take you two to Mulpepper's Apothecary.." He handed Fred the newspaper. "That will take you two to Shyverwretch's Venoms and Poisons." He held the boot closer to Tom, and Tom put a hand on it. "We'll meet at Borgin and Burkes."

"Yes, Your Majesty," the twins chorused.

Harry hesitated, then waved his wand. He and Tom were suddenly glamoured to appear taller. Tom assumed their voices had been glamoured as well.

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Harry sighed irritably. "Names."

"Shen, also known as Albino."

"What is it? You have ten seconds," Harry said firmly.

"Hagrid wants to meet you at midnight," Draco responded in a whisper. "He says to bring the cloak."

Harry groaned. "Tell him I will be late," he ordered. "We will be back in an hour."

Draco didn't have time to respond, because the three Portkeys activated.

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