Chapter 9

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Harry blanched. Tom immediately wrapped his arms around him, whispering, "Don't worry, I'll protect you."

The twins growled in unison. Draco and Blaise exchanged alarmed look, while Luna and Neville looked as frightened as Harry felt.

"You will have to come with me, Mr. Potter," McGonagall said quietly.

"Only if Ambroise comes with me," Harry insisted. "And my godfathers."

McGonagall gave a faint, worried smile and nodded in agreement.

Harry stood up and snatched Tom's hand. Don't freak out don't freak out don't freak out.

"Pup," Sirius whispered anxiously when he arrived at the staff table, "you okay?"

Harry gave him a deadpan look. "Absolutely," he whispered sarcastically.

"Pads, that's not helpful," Remus said quietly. His eyes were flashing gold, signifying that his wolf was incredibly worried about his cub. "Harry, cub, we know you didn't put your name in, and we will support you no matter what."

Tom squeezed his hand, silently telling him the same.

There was a sudden burning in his chest. Harry swallowed and rasped, "Thanks, Dad."

McGonagall ushered the four of them into the back room. Harry swore the headmistress' eyes were a bit misty.

The other three champions looked up when they entered the room. Confusion appeared on their faces.

"Harry?" Cedric asked curiously. "What happened?"

"Do you want us back in ze Hall?" Fleur asked the headmistress.

McGonagall pursed her lips. "No, Miss Delacour. We have just had some very bad news. Unfortunately, Mr. Potter's name has just come out of the goblet."

"You're kidding," Cedric said in alarm.

"No," Tom growled.

Harry heard several people approaching and turned. Bagman, Crouch, Severus, Regulus, Karkaroff, and Maxime entered.

"Extraordinary!" Bagman beamed.

"'Extraordinary?'" Tom snarled, making everyone jump and Severus and Regulus pale slightly. "Someone put my boyfriend's name in the Goblet of Fire!"

Bagman looked taken aback. "Harry, you didn't put your name in the goblet?"

"Why would I do that?" Harry asked, his voice suddenly cold. "I have had enough danger for a lifetime. I just wanted this year to be-" his voice cracked, and he felt Sirius put a hand on his shoulder.

"What is ze meaning of zis, Minerva?" Maxime asked with a frown.

"I'd like to know that myself, McGonagall," Karkaroff agreed. "Two Hogwarts champions? I don't remember anyone telling me the host school is allowed two champions ⎯ or have I not read the rules carefully enough?"

"If you have a problem with me representing Hogwarts, Headmaster Karkaroff," Harry said icily, "then I can represent something else."

Karkaroff sneered at him, and nearly everyone in the room glared at him. "Who would you represent, then, boy?"

Harry studied him. Finally he said, "The Junior Marauders."

Tom choked, and Harry knew Sirius was grinning widely. McGonagall groaned.

"'Junior Marauders?'" Maxime asked curiously.

"Named after a group my father and godfathers created," Harry said sweetly. "Mostly they played pranks on other people, but I think my group of friends are going to do something... different." Like take over wizarding Britain....

"Excellent idea," Bagman declared. "Cedric is the Hogwarts champion, and Harry is the Junior Marauders champion."

"I don't recall giving you permission to call me by my first name, Mr. Bagman," Harry said mildly. Several people in the room blanched, and Harry heard Remus' wolf whimper in submission.

"Y-yes, sorry, Mr. Potter," Bagman said quickly.

"Mr. Crouch," Karkaroff said stiffly, earning more glares, and a growl from Remus' wolf, "you are one of the... objective judges. Surely you agree this is most irregular?"

"We must follow the rules," Crouch said flatly, "and the rules state clearly that those people whose names come out of the Goblet of Fire are bound to compete in the tournament."

"There's nothing in there about children too young to compete?" Remus demanded.

Crouch hesitated, and Harry could clearly see that he was struggling. Finally the man pulled out a small booklet and flipped through the pages. Then he said curtly, "If the parents or guardians of the champion feel he is too young or not talented enough to compete, they can withdraw their child."

Harry turned to Remus and Sirius and said quietly, "I don't want you to withdraw me."

"What?" the two chorused, Remus looking alarmed and Sirius looking furious.

"I want to know who was stupid enough to put my name in the goblet," Harry seethed. "You may withdraw me once I find out who."

"This is wrong!" Karkaroff snapped. "Completely unfair! I have half a mind to leave now!"

"Empty threat, Karkaroff," Moody's voice growled from the doorway. "You can't leave your champion now. He's got to compete. They've all got to compete. Binding magical contract. Convenient, eh?"

"Convenient?" Karkaroff snapped as the peg-legged ex-Auror entered the room. "I'm afraid I don't understand you, Moody."

"Someone put my name in expecting me to get hurt or killed," Harry snorted. "It's not that hard to understand."

"Quite a little paranoid child you are, Mr. Potter," Maxime said with a cold smile. This earned angry hisses from Sirius and Tom and a growl from Remus.

"It's not paranoia if someone's really after you," Harry said coldly.

McGonagall cleared her throat sharply. "If Mr. Potter wishes to continue in the tournament there is nothing we can do about it."

"Minerva, arr you quite sure?" Maxime asked, frowning.

"Yes, Olympe," McGonagall said firmly. Karkaroff scoffed quietly. "Igor, if you have a problem with a fourteen-year-old child-" she added dangerously.

Karkaroff blanched and quickly shook his head. Harry made a mental note: Never get on McGonagall's bad side.

"Well, shall we crack on, then?" Bagman asked, a mixture of excited and nervous. "Got to give our champions their instructions, haven't we? Barty, want to do the honors?"

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