Louis Fever and throwing up - Request

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a/n Getting my Louis tattoo next week Yayy :))

Truly hoping that I make anyone's day a little better with these little short stories <3

Louis POV

I felt burning hot and then ice cold the next. It was really weird. I was sharing my hotel room with Liam, Niall and Harry also shared one, 2 rooms down the hallway.

We were currently touring our North America leg of tour. We are in La, and we would stay here for a couple off days before returning to the road to the next city.

Groaning, turning around, only to be shook awake by non other than Liam Payne. My eyes cracked open and I looked at the clock; 08:15am. Swapping Liam his hand away, not wanting to be awake yet.
We only had 3 interviews to attend, so why would we have to wake up on this early hour of the day.

"Lou seriously, you have to wake up" he shook me once again.
"Don' wanna" I mumbled.
"I get it, I really do. Were all tired, but we have to go get breakfast, we have an radio interview first to attend in 1.5 hours." He said, clearly very awake.
Groaning before turning around, facing him.
He shook me once again, swapping his hand away.
"Alright I get up" I said irritated.
"Good, thank you" he said.

Feeling my forehead when he was out of sight, frowning when I felt the heat coming off from it.

Standing up walking to the bathroom, taking in my appearance. My hair was sweaty, my cheeks were all rosy red and flushed.
I figured that a quick shower would do and them some jeans and some sweater I found.

I decided to not tell the other lads about this upcoming fever, they didn't needed to know about this too. They already had enough worries as it was. And above all, they were all tired. So I didn't need to worry them about my problems too.


The first radio interview seemed to drag on and on. Always asking the same damn questions over and over. About our love interest, what girl were looking for, dating fans.

Liam and Harry answered most of the questions, Niall nodded along mostly, he didn't really wake up on the right sight of the bed and was still half asleep in his chair.
I zoned out most off the questions that were being asked.

I felt an hand on my shoulder, looking up, tiredly blinking up to Harry. His eyebrows were crinkled together in concern.
"You good?" He asked.
I nodded back, trying to convince him desperately.
"Alright, if you say so"
"Jus a bit tired yeah" I said.
He nodded back and motioned for me to follow them. Only then noticing that it was just us left in the room. The others were already outside the door off the studio waiting for us to make an appearance.

Walking behind everybody else, my feet dragging along the floor carelessly. Sighting, I didn't feel better yet. The fever was only increasing.

Second interview went mostly the same, all of us not really being in the mood anymore for them. Yeah a new upcoming album was great but it involved so much work, and promoting stuff.

The third interview however went a little different. A guy was asking some questions about our new song that was going to be released in a few days.
It was all going great until I suddenly felt faint. My fever finally began to catch up with me.
The room seemed way hotter then before with the lamps that were there.
A hand was on my shoulder, only hearing quiet distant whispering.

Liam POV

I saw change in Louis his appearance, his movements slowed. He was straight ahead, I asked to stop the interview for an moment, they hesitated for a moment before nodding along.
I crouched down in front of Louis, seeing him blinking tiredly.
"Lou hey, Lou. Look at me for a moment" I said.
His eyes met mine soft ones.
"You alright?"
He nodded way to quickly, obviously lying.
"Just felt a little dizzy for a moment, but I'm all good now " he said.
"Sure?" I asked once more.
"Yeah don't worry" he smiled.


I woke up by the sound of retching. Frowning, looking at the clock; 02:13am.
Finally noticing the empty spot on the bed beside me, seeing a faint light coming from under the bathroom door.

Quickly making my way out of bed towards the bathroom, afraid off what I was going to see.

I saw Lou crouched down in front of the toilet, whimpering before gagging again. Throwing up everything that he ate in the last 24 hours.
Making my way behind him "oh lou" i said, voice full with sympathy.
My hand rubbing his back and the other feeling his forehead, quickly pulling it away after I felt the raging fever coming off from it.
"You're alright, it's okay" I said trying to reassure him. His whole body shook under my hands with each wave of gags. He didn't seem to have much time to catch his breath in between.

Finally collapsing back in my arms, breathing heavily.
"Since when have you been feeling this Lou" I asked carefully.
"Felt hot since this morning" he whispered back.
"Why didn't you say anything?"
"Didn't want to worry you'll" he said back.

And of course he didn't say anything because he didn't wanted to worry us. That's so a thing that Louis would do, just because he is the oldest.

"You think your Done?"
"Okay, let me take your temp first, then you can go back to bed" I said, already getting him a thermometer.
Turned out that his fever wasn't too high but it was still there. Noting myself to keep an eye on it.
"Alright come on, let's get you back to bed" I stated, leading him back towards the bed. Laying him down carefully.
He already went and snuggled into the blanket, falling asleep almost immediately.

I sighed, tomorrow was going to be a long day.

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