Louis Fever and throwing up part 2

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a/n somebody asked for a possible part 2, and who am I to say no to that :)
Hope this is okay? Xx

Sorry for no story yesterday btw

This continues from where we left off last part.


Liam POV

And just like I predicted, Louis didn't sleep whatever he caught off, not at all.
"Alright lou, gotta take your temp again" I said, thermometer already in my hands ready.
He groaned and shook his head No.
"I'm afraid I have to buddy, come on it wil be quick"
He grumped before opening his mouth, so I can slip the device under his tongue.
Taking it out when it was ready, reading the numbers, 102.4.
It was mostly the same as last night, but definitely have to keep an eye on it, in case it does spike.

Harry and Niall came walking in the room, fully dressed and ready.
Looking at me and Lou who was still in bed, blinking tiredly up to us.
"So whats the plan today?" I asked to them.
Harry and Niall went to see Paul, too ask what the schedule was for today and stuff.
"Well today we have an couple of interviews, but I managed to make an agreement. Only me and Niall have to do them separately from the two of You. But You and Lou have to do them some other time. Probably in the next few days before we are heading of in the plane too Australia. And I really hope that whatever Lou has caught, doesn't get worse, because I doubt that management will do any more favors for us." Harry said, explaining everything carefully.

I nodded along with most off what he said. I was very relieved that I could stay behind to take care off the sick lad beside me. He looked truly miserable, with his hear sticking out all directions.

"How long till  you have to go to the first one?" I asked.
"Around 10 minutes, so we are just going to pack up last things and then we wil be gone for a decent amount of hours." Harry said.
Niall stood beside him nodding along, smiling softly at us.
"Well thanks guys for arranging that we can stay here"
"Course, no problem mate. You would have don't the same thing to us" Niall said.
Grinning back at him, because yeah I would do that for them. Without any regret.

After 10 minutes, Niall and Harry left with Paul.

Louis suddenly clamped an hand over his mouth, looking up to me with this blue fearful eyes, looking like a little child all of an sudden. Waiting for my instructions on what to do.

"Alright Its okay lou, here is the bin" I said, handing him the bin from beside the bed that I had sat out there yesterday after he fell asleep.
He started breathing heavy above it before the real gagging sounds started. Throwing up mostly stomach acid, Because he has almost noting left in his stomach.
He gets no real breaks in between the rounds, making that he almost choked on his own breaths a few times.
Softly rubbing his back, whispering sweet nothing in his ear, trying to calm him down. Otherwise he is going to make himself sick again and again.

Finally after the last round, he took a deep breath in, spitting one last time.
"You think your done? " I whispered carefully.
He nodded weakly, having no real energy left.
I took the bin from his hands and went to the bathroom to rinse it out and to grab a water bottle and fill it with some water, he really needs some fluids in his system.

Coming back in the room, seeing him half sitting up against the bedpost. Eyes already half drooping.
"Here mate, try some water "
"Don wanna, s gonna make me sick again" he muttered.
"Just a few sips, take them slow, you need to drink something" I tried to reason.
He finally gave in an took a few and very slow sips, grimacing with every sip he took.
"Thank you" I said after he handed me the water bottle back.

After a few hours of me mostly scrolling on my phone, and Louis sleeping beside me. I deciders that it was time again to take his temperature, to see if it changed any.
Nudging him back away, eyes rolling when he saw me ready with the thermometer.
"Come on, you now how it works"
To tired to put on a fight, he obeyed and opened his mouth almost immediately.

Taking it after the beep, 101.9. Well already his fever is slowly going down.
"I wanna take a shower" he suddenly said.
"You can get there by yourself?" I said in concern.
"Yeah" he mumbled back.
I was highly doubting that he would make it in one life by himself to the bathroom but deciding to let it slip.

Seeing him standing up on shaky legs, taking carefully steps before stopping suddenly, dangerously swaying from left to right. 
Knowing what was coming next, running up to his side just before he fainted. Catching him just in time.

Laying him down carefully on the soft carpet.
He already started coming around after a few seconds.
"Wha 'append" he mumbled, still feeling woozy.
"You just fainted" I explained to him.
"Faint'd?" He muttered back to himself, almost trying too make sense from what I just said.
"Come on, think you can sit up yet?"
He vaguely nodded back. Giving him my hand and hosting him upwards into a sitting position. He was almost fully leaning into me.
Seeing him wince in pain.
"You okay?"
"He'd ache" he whispers back.
"You didn't hit your head, so this must be another side affect of whatever you caught" exposing it to him.
"Great, just fucking great" he mumbled angrily, and sarcastically.
Chuckling to myself before standing him up with me, leading him back to the bed.
"Maybe a shower later yeah"
He nodded back, giving in to the idea.

Smiling softly at him, before the door openend and an very tired Niall and Harry came walking back in.
"He Alright?" Harry asked.
"I think so, I mean now yeah, he just fainted-"
"Fainted?" Niall said in disbelief cutting me off.
"Yeah" sighing sympathetically towards them.
"But He will be okay, in some time" I continued.

The both seemed satisfied with that answer, and went to walk and sit on the couch on the other side of the room, starting up a game with the sound very low for their sick band mate.

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