Louis Jetlag

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a/n do you all even see the pictures that I put on top?

Came up with this concept idea in the car. Did some research before hand.
Had a great time writing this, have a nice day xx


Louis POV

The plane just landed in Japan, we were al really exited to be here again. We have been here once before for some shows and interviews but nothing more.

So of course we all agreed to come here a second time, we were all just mind blowen how our album could have reached Japan in general. We all thought that we would just tour England when we started and look where we are now, touring the world.

I didn't know why but I just felt off during the plane flight. I felt like I just ran a marathon and was complete exhausted.
A small geachte forming also, making an mental note to myself to take some pills later in the hotel room.

Coming into the hotel room, laying down with a huff on the bed immediately, Liam walking behind me, with the suitcases.
He chuckled, "you tired"
"You have no idea payno" I said back, rubbing my eyes.
"Well Good thing that we can sleep a bit now"
I hummed back, "do you know what we have to do tomorrow?"
"Yeah, we have apparently an interview first thing in the morning and then a few hours brake before two more" Liam said, informing me.
I groaned already dreading the day tomorrow. I made my way quietly to the bathroom for an quick shower.
The warm water felt good on my aching body. Turning off the water, draping a towel around me. Quickly popping some pills and drowned them down with some water. Feeling them sliding down my throat slowly.

When I came back in the room, I saw Liam already in his bed, typing away on his phone.
"You Alright?" He asked, looking up.
"Yeah I will be, after some sleep" I said back. Already making my way to my side of the bed, laying down.
Sighing softly, sinking away in the mattress.

But sleep wasn't coming like I wanted to. I heard Liam breathing softly, he was asleep. Why was I still awake. I felt like I could drop dead any moment from the tiredness. But no matter how I tried, I just couldn't fall asleep. I just couldn't be dragged in to the dark. It was proper annoying though.

I didn't sleep one minute that night, when Liam shook me 'awake', I just did as if I slept, only to fool him.
"I'm sorry but you gotta wake up Lou, we have to go in 30 minutes" he said softly.
I groaned, turning away and hurrying myself in the blankets once again.
"Yeah can't let you do that" Liam said while he ripped the blankets off from my body, instantly feeling very cold.

"Oi shut up" I snapped at him.
He looked at me dumb folded.
"What are you looking at, I'm up, is that what you wanted" I said.
"Easy there mate, don't move your anger on to me" he said back harshly, already walking away into the bathroom.

I groaned loudly at myself. I went into a sitting position, just starting for a few moments. Only now noticing that the headache didn't went away at all.

Meeting with the other boys in the hotel lobby with some security guards who all let us to the van to our first interview.
The boys all made small talk but I just completely ignored them. They were loud, way to loud.

The interview seemed to drag on and I honestly wasn't in the mood for it all. To be asked what fans are the best?, what do you miss about Home?, what is your favorite song of the album?, and so on. It was always the same. Luckily the boys all answered most of the questions, probably sensing my lack of happy attitude.

"Lou want something to eat?" Harry said, who was walking beside me to the small cafeteria here, Niall and Liam walking behind us.
"Nahh mate I'm good" I said. Feeling suddenly very nauseous at the thought of food.
"But you haven't eaten anything yet?" He said, wondering.
"I'll be okay, go ahead, I will waste at the table in the corner on you all" I said, and without waiting for a answer, starting to walk to the other end of the cafeteria.

They all came walking towards me with their plates full of unknown Japanese food. Taking a seat in front of me and Liam beside me.
Looking at the food, not really noticing anything what I know.
"You want to try this?" Harry asked, gesturing to some sort of pudding like thing, smiling.
"No thank you" I said, scrunching my nose up.
"You Alright though?" Liam said. Swallowing a bit of his food down.
"For fuck sakes, can everyone just stop asking me constantly if I'm alright." I snapped back.
"Okay calm down"

"What have we to do after this break?" I asked, after some minutes in silence.
"I told you yesterday remember?" Liam said, looking confused at me.
"No you didn't?"
"Yeah i did, you sure your okay? You don't forget things like this normally" he said.
I shrugged my shoulders because no I wasn't feeling a 100% myself.

"Jetlag" Niall said suddenly. We all looked at him very confused and puzzled.
"He has probably a jetlag, had one myself, isn't fun." Niall said.
"Well how do you know that Lou has one?" Harry asked.
"Well if you take a good look at him, you can see that he didn't sleep at all last night, he is snappy because of it. Probably has a headache or some stomach ache, that's why he didn't wanted to eat the food. He also forget some things, which is very unlikely for him" Niall said, shrugging his shoulders.

Thinking about it all, it did make sense in what he was saying.
"Well what do we do?" Liam asked.
"I don't know" I said back.
"Do you think you can last trough two more interviews?" He asked.
"I mean I guess so" I said.
"Well alright, but tell us if you need anything, no more pretending"

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