Harry and Niall Concussion/Accident part 2

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a/n here it is, part 2
Thanks for all the votes and the love you are giving the past few weeks. Really appreciate it <33

Sorry for the long wait, it just has been a busy time at the farm at home. :) and also it is just over 2K words.


They both looked at the direction that he was looking, Harry his eyes were clouded over and he was looking very confused.
"Who is Niall..?" He asked softly, full of curiosity.


And maybe that was the moment they knew that everything around them was scarred, and it may be that for a while. They were all starting at Harry, being lost in what to say or do.
"Funny joke H, really funny.."
"Lou.. I don't think it is a joke.." Zayn murmured.

This had to be a nightmare, a sick nightmare he soon would wake up from. Louis was sure of it. This couldn't be happening, not now, not ever. How could he simply forget this stuff. A person for gods sake. A very important person in his life, as if he never even existed. As If he was an imaginary friend who he just happend to forget.

No one could shake the feeling of dread that came over them. Watching Harry? As he still waited on the answer off the question he asked them.

"You really don't remember him?" Liam asked carefully, that being the first he spoken since he got into the room. Harry shook his head simply. "I am sorry what did I ask again?" He said. Louis looked at the others, watching how Zayn silently pressed the button for help.

Not a minute later the same nurse walked back into the room with a polite smile on her face. "What is going on?" She asked, looking from the one to the other. Harry looked just as confused. "Uhm Paul went to go to ask for some update on Niall. And then Harry asked who Niall was and not a minute later he asked what he even asked in the first place If that makes any sense." Zayn said, deciding that he was the one to talk.

"Right, remember when I told you that he was going to be confused and not remember anything correctly? This is what I was talking about. It is just a side affect from the heavy concussion he is suffering. Don't worry, he needs a lot of reassurance for the next few days. He may ask you over and over the same question. Just know that this will get better with the time passing." She said explaining. "Right thanks.. Sorry we were just a little startled.."

"Of course, I'd be worried if you weren't." She replied when a door opened behind her. "I take that as my que to leave." She said.

Paul walked in "There is finally some news on Niall guys." He said.
"Well what is it.?"
"The operation was a succes, he just got wheeled back. Coming out of the anesthesia, unfortunately there is no way yet of knowing how bad his head is yet, they will test that when he wakes up.." He answered. "What was the operation for?" "He was being operated on his left leg. It was crushed between the door and himself. It is unknown yet how long the rehabilitation will be yet. They said that he also was very lucky because they were able to save the bone and therefore his leg."

"This is all a mess Paul, it's all wrong.." Louis replied with a crack in his voice. "I know but we will help them in any way we can. We are al going to get through this.."
he looked back to the bed where Harry laid, seeing that he already fell back asleep, his chest softly rising up and down.


A few hours later, they were told that they could go ahead and see Niall. Decision had been made that Liam and Zayn were coming with Paul to Niall, while Louis would stay with Harry. "You sure you want to stay here?" Paul asked once more, looking at the pair. Harry was sound asleep, Louis sitting beëdigde him on his left, giving him a carefully smile "yeah I am sure."

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