Louis Choking - Request

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a/n don't come for me, I know I disappeared for months, like almost three quarter of a year. I am sorry, life got the best of me.
Somebody gave me this suggestion in the comments and I was like why not just pick this back up?
So here it is, I hope that it's okay?
Have a lovely day. <3


3rd person pov

They all had a busy schedule so they were all quiet happy when there was a day off scheduled. This was a day like that. "You sure you are okay?" Liam asked once more, noticing how pale Louis really looked this morning. Louis nodded "yeah mate totally fine, just didn't sleep so great"

The thing is though, Louis always replied like this, never admitting that something is wrong. The others hated it, but there was nothing really what they could do about it. They always had to wait how the day turned out for him. And that pains them the most.

"How come?" Harry spoke up, from where he was sitting on the couch with Niall and Zayn. Liam walking in behind Louis, with two cups of coffee in his hands, settling them in front of Zayn, and the other before on the table for where he sat.

Louis shrugged his shoulders "dunno' really, probably just have to go to bed earlier?" He questioned more to himself then to the others. "Well Paul would come get us when breakfast is ready and served in the other room." Zayn informed him.

Louis nodded. Right now they were in the middle of the rehearsal days for a big tour coming up, they will be away from home for months. So they were all sat backstage by a smaller venue for it. To practice the steps they need to take and stuff like that. They were long tired days, but they would so pay off when the tour would begin. When they would stand in front of their crowd, performing their new songs. It will all be worth it in the end.

"So what is the schedule exactly today?" Louis asked, taking himself also place on the very end off the couch. "An off day finally" Niall sighed, looking up as to thank someone who isn't there. Harry shook his head fondly at his band mate. "Well at least that is great news." Louis said, resting his head back on the couch.

Around 10 minutes later, Paul walked into the room, smiling towards them all. "Good morning boys, breakfast is served. Hope you all had a great night sleep?"
Everyone looked at Louis at that part, he just waved them off. Guiding the attention to someone else. Paul's eyes held Louis' though. A silent conversation seemed to pass them. Finally a nod came from Louis. Paul being satisfied with that, finally let them all go to the door who is already opened further down the hallway. Tables were scattered around and ready.

They all took their place at the table, they had the same assigned seats back from the X factor days, that they still followed because it felt almost wrong to sit in another seat by now.

However Louis was more tired then he let on to the others. He was almost to tired to even eat. He didn't even know how it happened really, one morning he was fine, the next he was exhausted to the core.

Maybe he should let it get checked out by someone, then again it probably was because of the hectic schedule they al had fallen in.

Louis started to eat his sandwich that he just made minutes before sitting down to eat. However a sudden panic settled in when he tried to swallow a piece, realizing that it was stuck inside his throat. His hand blindly reaching to the person sitting next to him on his right, who happens to be Liam. He looked confused towards him, till he heard the small gasps and scholing sounds that were coming from Louis. "Oh shit Lou.." he said out loud, helping him also stand up. Louis other hand was around his throat, panic in his eyes.

It was weird for him, there was no air coming inside his lungs but his heart was still beating wildly, trying to compromise. A panicked feeling took over his whole body, no doubt in it that he was shaking.

"Hold on Lou..." Liam muttered as his arms went around his abdomen. The other lads watched with wide eyes, kind of frozen in shock. Paul came running towards them. Liam gave him an abdominal thrust, "Let me take over Li.." Paul said. Liam let go of Lou as soon as he heard that. He knew that Paul was stronger then him, no doubt it would be easier for him to do this then himself. Still he stayed by Louis' side the whole time, trying to calm him down in the haze.

A gasp rang though the room finally after a three more abdominal thrust. A relieved sigh escaped both Liam's and Paul's lips. Paul was still holding Louis up, who was now taking some deep breaths, trying to calm his rapid beating heart.
"Holy shit lad you scared the crap out of us there." Liam said.

Louis perked his head up, a rasp escaped his lips, "Here take some water first." Paul said, handing him a water bottle. He took it and took some grateful sips, happy to soothe his now sore throat.

"You okay now?" Paul asked, hesitant for the answer that might come. "Yeah.. I think so.." Louis answered, looking up and meeting his eyes. He saw how sincere Louis was being, so he nodded. "Good lad.. you all okay too?" Paul asked, shifting his eyes to the other band mates.

"I don't think you should be asking us that.." Zayn said. "By the looks of Harry, I think I do." Paul said back.
All there eyes went to Harry who was looking quiet pale. Harry swallowed "I am good I think.. just my nerves skyrocket for a moment.." he mumbled. Paul nodded back "Okay.. so we are all okay again..." he sighed of relief.

They all took place around the table again, everyone was silent. Afraid to rial something up. They all looked at Lou when he took a hesitant bite out of his sandwich again, eating a way smaller piece now. He swallowed it and spread a shy smile to the others, letting them now that he was indeed okay again.

A small chatter started again around after a few minutes. Paul telling them what the planning was for tomorrow and the day after.
They all nodded and listened to him, but inside they were all just really relieved that Louis was still here sitting with them. Alive and well.

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