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Louis POV:

Within the next three hours, the doorbell is ringing and I am rushing to answer it before either of the boys can, just a bit slower than usual due to the tightly wrapped ankle that Liam has left me with.

"Harry, hi," I say breathlessly from moving quickly as I open the door.

"Hi gorgeous, you alright?" He laughs through his smirk at my hecticness to see him.

I blush a bit at his words and nod, but before I can give him a proper response, two large presences appear behind me.

"Harry, nice to see you lad." Edward smiles, shaking Harry's hand hello.

"Harry," is all Liam says, as he stares the taller boy down.

"Hey, Liam. Thank you for having me over." Harry says, being more than polite even though Liam is treating him like a criminal.

"Mhm." Liam nods while turning into the house, away from us.

Edward apologizes quickly and walks after Liam, probably going to speak with him about giving this a chance.

"Sorry about him, he's just, grouchy," I say, pausing with embarrassment.

Maybe having the two of them together wasn't the best idea but the idea of having to choose between the two feels impossible.

Harry steps into the house and kisses my forehead.

"I expected much worse than that little one. I don't want you worrying about me. I have no issue fighting for you." He says sweetly while cupping my face for a moment before pulling away and walking deeper into the house.

I lead him into our living room, where we find my brothers in a bit of a heated conversation but they quiet down once they notice us walk in.

"Who wants popcorn?" Edward smiles.

Not too much later I am sandwiched on the couch between Liam and Harry. I had in the first place just plopped down next to Harry but Liam said he needed to be next to me to 'see the screen better' but I know he is just trying to intimidate Harry.

There is possibly the world's thickest tension in the world circulating through the room and the mixture of having some thriller movie projected on the screen isn't helping anything.

"Ahh," I find myself yelping in fear as some horrible jumps scare pops out in the movie.

"You're okay," Harry whispers in my ear, pulling an arm around my shoulder comfortingly.

I find myself burying my head in his chest out of fear, not even realizing what I am actually doing.

I can feel eyes on me, that just makes me go deeper into Harry's firm chest. His hand rubs down my back gently, sending shivers down my spine.

"You wanna stop watching buddy? I knew this would be too scary." Edward says to me but I just shake my head.

I don't want to ruin the boys' time or let them think I am more of a baby than I look like right now.

They all stay silent for a moment.

"Stick on that Disney movie he likes, Frozen. That always made him feel better." Liam says, his voice calmer and kinder than it has been all night.

It was soothing to hear the voice of my sweet big brother back instead of the douche that has been ridiculing Harry, though I know it probably won't last.

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