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Louis's POV:

By the time I wake up, I am freezing, sore, and in an unfathomable amount of pain.

My body is pressed against what appears to be a concrete floor, the room I have been tossed into is dark and terrifying.

I look down to see that my clothes have been ripped but still are on but there is a huge gash on my leg, smearing blood all over myself every time I move. My legs are tied to each other, as are my hands.

"Good morning sunshine," a voice says in a mocking tone.

I flinch at the sudden sound, the room is too dark to see where in the room the person is. It's not the same voice as the man who took me in the first place. This one is somehow, scarier?

"H-hello? W-who are you?" I ask, turning my head back and forth looking for the man.

I can hear footsteps around me, I try to scoot away from them but I can't even tell what direction they are coming from, the room is just echoing through the empty cold building.

"I'm not giving you back you know. I want him to know what it feels like to have your life ruined." The voice says, chuckling darkly as it moves around the room.

"W-what?" I ask, beyond confused as to what is even going on.

Who is him? And why does whoever he have to do with me being here?

"He ruined my life, I worked with his dad for twenty years and he thought he had more power than me. I'll show the cunt who has the power now." He grunts before I feel a harsh kick sent to my side, the man suddenly now appearing.

I scream out at the shock of pain, my arms immediately covering my side.

"Stop please," I beg loudly, cowering away in screams of pain.

"You don't get to tell me to stop." He yells, spitting on my face in the process but thankfully he doesn't kick me again.

It is only now that I get a good look at his face. He's older than I expected, in his late forties possibly early fifties, and just looked dirty, as if he hadn't showered in days, weeks maybe.

"I d-don't understand," I stutter out to the man.

"And I don't understand what I did kid. What goes around, comes around." He chuckles, and tears start to run down my face in sheer fear.

I don't know what I am supposed to respond with. I don't even know where the hell I am, for all I know we could be a million miles away from home.

"When I come back, be ready to have some fun." He says as his voice fades out of the room.

My entire body shivers in fear at that and my whimpers are lost in the darkness.

Harry's POV:

"It was a fucking five minutes phone call Maverick. How are you not able to track it?" I yell at the man, pacing around the living room.

"Harry he used a burner there is no shot of getting any trace on that. You know that." Maverick tells me, looking up from the table at which my entire team is sat out, doing their best to find any trace of Louis.

It's been 29 hours and we have not as much as a clue as to where Louis is. I'm beyond freaking out, as are Edward and Liam, it is not like me to lose my cool like this.

I have had both of the boys at my penthouse, they know that I have the best shot of finding Louis and they want to be here when I get him back.

Not if, when.

Not a single one of us has slept a wink, and we have all vowed to not until we are %100 sure that Louis is safe.

"Well, then fucking figure something out. He has been gone for nearly thirty hours and you all are on the verge of losing your jobs if you don't find me his location in the next two hours." I snap at my team.

They look at me empathetically before nodding.

"Harry it's not their fault. Don't be mad at them." Liam says, sighing from his seat in the kitchen.

He's right, it's not their fault, it's mine.

I make my way over to the island table where Liam and Edward are sitting, both having deep sorrow in their eyes.

"I will find him, I promise," I say, confident in my words.

"I shouldn't have left him alone," Edward says, head in hands.

Liam puts a hand on Edward's back.

"There is no point in playing the blame game with anyone right now. That is going to get us nowhere so why don't we just stay focused on finding Louis. The police said that they were on the case too but Harry you seem to be fairly confident in your team, right?" Liam says, doing his best to keep everyone calm but I am nothing but on edge.

It's my fault, the blame game should be played, against me.

I have already explained to the boys who took Louis and why they took Louis. I was ready for them to scream and hit me, but they didn't. They didn't blame me in the slightest, they are just mad at the psychopath who has Louis. But just because they don't blame me doesn't mean I don't blame myself.

"Yes, they have years of experience in situations like this. Police don't know shit about actually getting things done." I say, nodding my head at him.

"Okay then, we all need to stay calm, for Louis's sake," Liam says, that gets through to me.

I nod, even though I know I have no shot of staying calm until I have Louis back in my arms.

"I have something!"  Niall yells from the table.

In the flash, all three of us are sprinting over to him.

Sorry it's short
I'll try to update soon
Love y'all

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