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Louis's POV:

"I was wondering if I could steal Louis for tonight? Bring him to my place." Harry asks the boys as he grabs everyone's empty dinner dish.

I smile a bit before sending him a slightly confused look, this being the first I was hearing of this little slumber party.

Liam seems to think about Harry's question for a moment but Eddie is quick to jump in.

"Of course, you can," Edward says.

Liam looks at us wearily.

"I don't know," Liam says, hesitation in his voice.

"Oh shove off Liam. Harry takes better care of Louis than both of us. Plus you said yourself a few hours ago we should try and get him back into a more normal routine. Can't do that if you don't let him leave the house." Edward says cockily.

Liam turns to Eddie at the table.

"I said normal. He doesn't like being away from home. Remember how many sleepovers we used to have to pick him up from?" Liam says to Edward as if I am not here.

"That's not true!" I interject.

Both Liam and Ed turn to me with a 'really?' look.

Just because I have ditched a few sleepovers in the past doesn't mean I can't spend the night at Harry's now. I was like 13 then. And now it's different. It's Harry.

"I would take him home if he as much at hinted at wanting to come back," Harry says as he sits back at the now empty table with us.

"I know you would," Liam says reluctantly.

"Louis why don't we go upstairs and I'll help you pack a bag," Edward says, clearly wanting to leave the two chat without me listening.

I frown a bit at his words, knowing that Liam and Harry are just going to talk about me when I leave. But I eventually nod and let Eddie help me up as he slings an arm under my body to support my weight.

Harry's POV:

"If you aren't comfortable with him leaving that's fine mate. Just he's been getting a bit frustrated with how involved we are getting so I figured maybe he could just get some space for the night." I explain to Liam once I am sure Louis is out of listening range.

I know Louis is struggling with control, it happens to a lot of people who have been kidnapped.

I've seen it before with work.

For most, once they are out of captivity their mind is grasping for any bit of control they can grab, but when people try to take it away, it freaks them out.

Hence why eating is freaking Louis out, especially when we try to make him eat. I was actually shocked we were able to get him to eat at all tonight.

But with Louis being such a naturally submissive person, he is used to just doing as he is told. He doesn't typically need the control he wants right now, which is just making all of this more confusing for him.

"I know he is Harry. I'm not trying to smother him but he still needs to be taken care of, even when he isn't hurt. He's my responsibility and I'm just a bit anxious about him being away from me again." Liam starts.

"But I know that's crazy because it's just you having him over to your place." He continues.

"I get it, Liam. You don't need to explain yourself." I say placing a hand on his shoulder for a moment.

He shakes his head for a moment.

"Thank you, and yes of course you can have him over. Sorry." Liam says, apologizing for his reaction.

"It's fine Li. He will be fine I promise." I add on.

I would never let anything happen to Louis.

"Just make sure he takes his medication. And maybe try to get him to eat some more before he goes to sleep. Also if his knee starts to hurt you can give him some Advil. And-." Liam tries to continue but I cut him off.

I listened to every word that came out of Liam's mouth about Louis when he was in the hospital, I know what to do.

"I've got it, Liam. Trust me." I interrupt him, knowing he would go on for hours about how to take care of Louis.

"Right right, sorry." He says shaking his head some more.

He clearly is anxious about his little brother being away from him for a night but Liam's protective and I really wouldn't have expected anything less.

It wasn't long before Edward was coming back down the stairs with Louis on his back and Louis's backpack in his hands.

Louis had a deep blush on his cheeks and Edward was smirking wide, leaving both me and Liam curious as to what they could have been talking about.

"He's ready," Edward says as he steps onto the first floor.

Edward sets him down on his feet gently next to me, I am sure to support his frame from the side, even though he doesn't really need the help anymore.

"You'll call us if you need?" Liam asks Lou, crouching down to the boy's height.

"Yes, Liam," Louis responds with a playful eye roll.

"Okay enough Li. Have fun bud." Edward says before Liam can give any more rules.

"Not too much fun," Liam warns seriously.

Louis squirms and blushes a bit at his brother's words.

"Liam!" He scolds under his breath as if Liam just threatened to kill someone.

I smirk at the small boy, loving how he was getting all flustered by the thought of having fun together.

Knowing I have any effect on him drives me wild.

"Alright ready to go, darling? I have Will waiting outside for us." I say gently after a few minutes.

He nods and I am quick to grab his bag.

His cheeks are still coated with a rosy blush as I lead us out to the car. I lift Louis's frame and sit him in the backseat gently before getting in myself.

"Good evening boss. Hi Louis." Will greats both of us as we enter.

"Hi Will," Louis smiles sweetly, excited to see the man.

"How are you, buddy?" Will asks, actually interested in hearing the boy's answer.

Everyone who meets Louis adores him so I don't blame him for being interested, but the pang of jealousy in my chest says otherwise.

I slowly close the divider between Will and us, causing Louis to turn to me with a pout.

"What was that for?" He asks, subconsciously giving me pouty eyes.

I capture his lips in mine, taking the pout away. By the time I pull away, his cheeks are blushing once again, I smile to myself and lean back into my seat again.

He is quiet for a few moments as he waits for his shyness to fade before he speaks up with a question.

"Are Niall, Mavie, and Zayn going to be at your place?" He asks.

I shake my head,

"Not tonight darling it's just us," I tell him.

"Oh, how come? You didn't kick them out did you?" He asks with a giggle.

"Well, you wanted to know what a punishment was, didn't you? So, I'm going to teach you."

Thanks for reading!
Hope you liked this chapter!!!

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