Pool Party

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Summary: Louis drags Harry to a pool party, and they're both a bit horny.


"Did you at least try to socialize?"

"I'm not good at it, Lou. You know I'm not."

"Angel, these are our friends. You can be yourself around them. They aren't gonna judge you."

"Can't you just come save me? I don't like being alone."

"I can find you, but I don't want to leave yet."

"Please baby, I just want to see you. I haven't been with you in like, an hour." Harry whines quietly, turning his back on the room filled with dancing teenagers and thumping music. Red solo cups clutter the floor along with a variety of chips, candy and gum. Disgusting.

"Okay, I'll find you as fast as I can. Where are you?"

"Meet me outside by the pool." Harry responds instantly, surveying the ground and placing his shoes carefully to avoid the crap.

"I'll be right there Haz, hang on."

Louis hangs up on Harry, hurrying to excuse himself from the crammed kitchen.

Harry keeps walking, eventually leaving the dirty cement behind him and striding across the grass. He'll convince Lou to take him home. He's not worried.

He hadn't been overly enthused when Louis asked him to come along to the party. A bunch of sweaty, hormonal seventeen year olds jumping up and down while getting drunk didn't seem like something he'd enjoy, and guess what? He was right. But he would do anything for Louis as long as the reward was... long enough.

Of course, even though Harry knew he was going to go, he wanted to have his fun and make Louis beg.

Louis had argued that Harry himself was a hormonal seventeen year old boy, and if he started dancing he'd become sweaty too. Then he tried the socializing is good for you card, and when all else failed, Louis pulled out the good old I'm gonna kiss you until your mind goes to mush and you agree to anything I say card. In the end, that had proven to be the most effective and landed an out of breath Harry in this sticky (literally) situation.

"Oi! Harry!" A familiar Irish accent calls out, grabbing his attention and he sees Niall jogging to him.

"Hey." Harry greets him with a grin.

"Hey mate! You wanna swim with me and a bunch of other guys?" Niall asks with a big, goofy grin on his face.

Harry's smile falters at the sight of his slightly intoxicated friend and his slightly intoxicated friend's idea.

He can't swim. Not well, anyway. The pool only gets ten feet deep, so Harry can reach the ground for the majority of it, but still. He doesn't want people to know he can't do something they had all learned to do in grade school.

"Uh, no that's okay Nialler. I'm just waiting for Lou to drive me home, I don't want to get his car all wet. You have fun though."

"Ohhh come on," Niall scoffs jokingly before taking Harry's wrist and tugging him along to a group of rowdy guys, none of who seem sober.

"Ayeee you got the guy!" One of them calls out, waving his beer can in the air.

"Yeah!" Niall agrees. "He doesn't wanna swim though, so he'll just hang out with us from the side of the pool."

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