Late Night Talking

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Summary: Harry and Louis have a late night trip to the store and engage in fluffy boyfriends activities


Harry's hand runs up and down Louis' thigh absently as he drives the couple to the store.

It's late, almost 9 at night, but they're both still wide awake and excited. Tonight's their weekly date night, and also their weekly late night trip to the store for date night snacks.

"What do you want to eat, angel?" Louis asks, intercepting Harry's hand and holding it tightly in his own.

"Whatever you want. I think I chose last time."

"I don't care. I want you to choose again. You always choose the best snacks." Louis plays with Harry's fingers as they pull in to the grocery store, pulling into a spot and parking.

"Well I did pick you, so I am pretty good at choosing the snack."

Leaning over the center console, Harry presses a kiss to Louis' lips before easing himself out of the car, walking over to open his boyfriend's door. Unfortunately, Louis beat him to it, so he has to settle with skipping that step and getting straight to the hand holding.

"I'm serious, Haz. You choose. I don't want to."

"We go through this every week," Harry looks down at him, the love in his heart overpowering the exasperation with the situation. "You pick the snack and I'll pick the drink."

"Oh." Louis sighs a bit. He looks forward to the petty arguing with Harry every week almost as much as the date itself. It's so fun to be difficult when he knows Harry will never truly get upset with him. 'Angry' ass pinches is about as far as they've ever gotten before Louis breaks out in laughter.

"'Oh'?" Harry furrows his brow, glancing at Louis as he picks up a basket. "Oh what?"

"I just wasn't expecting you to give up so easily. Usually I get to argue a little more."

"Get to?" Harry grins amusedly, one hand holding the basket and his free hand around Louis' waist.

"Yeah. I like fighting with you. It brings me joy."

Harry laughs lightly, tugging Louis out of the main aisle and off to the side to talk.

"Baby, we always bicker about what to get, then we leave late, and start the movie late, and you always fall asleep and I carry you up to bed." Harry runs a hand through Louis' ruffled hair.

Louis nods along slowly, pretending that it's true he's asleep, and he definitely does not fake it just to be held by Haz.

"And I like carrying you to bed, but I like when we go together and cuddle for a while until we fall asleep, too. So if we hurry at the store, maybe we can have longer to cuddle in bed. I just want to hold you."

"I'm blushing." Louis teases, averting his eyes to the ground as his cheeks color slightly, a smile dancing across his lips.

"Okay." He claps his hands together, like a coach telling his team the game plan. "So tonight: we skip the movie. Shocking, I know. But I have a different idea, and it would get us in bed even sooner cause it's quick."

Harry tucks a lock of hair behind his ear, watching Louis' lips moving intently.

"I'm listening."

"I saw someone do this online once, and I thought it was adorable. It's like a color date. We split up, and I find a bunch of things that I think you'll like or that remind me of you. But they all have to be the same color. And you do the same with a different color."

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