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Summary: Harry befriends a new student, and Louis is suspicious that he's trying to take all of Harry's attention away.


"Hey guys." Harry approaches the lunch table, sitting in his usual seat beside Niall. "I brought a friend. He's new, I told him he could sit with us. I hope that's okay."

"Course, Haz." Louis agrees. He watches Harry fondly for a moment, taking in his comforted, boyish grin. He's such a sweet soul, Louis can't imagine what he did to deserve such a person in his life.

"Cool. This is Nick." Harry gestures to someone behind Louis, Zayn, and Liam. The entire bench turns and is greeted with an embarrassed looking boy. He's dressed in sweatpants and a plain tee shirt, very casual.

"Hi." He raises a hand in a small wave before Harry reaches over and tugs him into the seat next to him.

"He just moved here from London. We're in the same English class." Harry explains, peeling his orange slowly.

Greetings are exchanged, and each of the boys introduces themselves. Conversation carries on as normal, maybe made a bit awkward with the present sixth party, but comfortable nonetheless.

Louis eyes Nick curiously. He can't decide what he's feeling about this boy. He seems nice, kind, funny even. Obviously if Harry's friend with him, he has to be a reasonable guy. Still, something feels odd. He seems strangely enthralled with Harry, which is quite understandable. Harry extended an olive branch to Nick in an unfamiliar setting, he's probably latched on.

"Are you all still coming over this weekend?" Harry asks, setting his empty milk carton back on the table.

Four heads nod as one tilts in confusion. "What's this weekend?"

"Oh, we're all hanging round my place." Harry explains, glancing at the other boys for a moment before offering, "You could come by if you want."

Nick smiles, accepting the invitation thankfully.

A swell of pride grows in Louis' chest at Harry's generosity. The boy's heart is so pure. It's gotten him into a bit of trouble in the past, trusting people he shouldn't have and ending up getting hurt. While it pains Louis every time it happens, seeing his favorite boy hurting, he has to admit that he loves how clingy Harry becomes when he seeks Louis out for comfort.

Under the table, Louis kicks his foot against Harry's, his way of privately getting his attention. Harry's big eyes rise to look at him, a small smile taking over his face seemingly automatically. A moment passes where they're just grinning goofily at each other, before Harry mouthes teasingly.


Louis shakes his head, still smirking, and tossing a sassy wink on the end. Harry looks away, a quiet giggle making Louis' heart pang, before his leg pangs when Harry kicks him back.

Only a few minutes pass before Nick and Niall are in a heated debate regarding the best way to prepare chicken, and the table is laughing loudly.

Harry tilts backward in his seat, his eyes scrunched and mouth wide open, cackling. His hand covers his face though, and Louis finds himself wishing he wouldn't be embarrassed by it.

The bell rings soon after, and the boys part ways. Harry and Louis make their way to chorus, an elective class they signed up for so they would be sure to have at least one class together.

Flopping into their seats, Harry lets out a content sigh. "I'm glad he fit in so well. I was nervous you two would clash."

"What?" Louis' taken aback. "Why?"

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