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Summary: Harry buys something but I ashamed to show Louis


Harry fumbles with the key to his apartment.

Another apartment door opens, and old Mrs P walks out, sending a sweet smile to her younger neighbor.

Quickly spinning the bag hanging from his elbow shut, he grins back at her nervously before managing to unlock his door.

Rushing inside, he closes and locks the apartment, worried that Mrs P had seen the contents of the bag or suspected something strange.

Peering through the peephole, he can see her humming to herself as she waits for the elevator.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Harry slips his shoes off and picks up the bag he had dropped on the floor.

Holding it open, he looks over all the things inside. He had been terribly embarrassed when he bought it, his cheeks flushed red as the high school aged cashier gave him a funny look.

"Girlfriend. It's for my girlfriend." Harry had blurted out before shoving way too much money at the boy and rushing off with his things.

Of course, that had been a lie. It isn't for his girlfriend because he doesn't have a girlfriend. He's got his precious boyfriend, Louis Tomlinson. The light of his life. The boy who could put a smile on his face seconds after sobbing his eyes out.

How's he gonna tell Louis? What if Louis doesn't like it? What if he doesn't want to be with Harry anymore because of it?

But Harry really wants to try it. He really wants to see himself with it on, to look in the mirror and only be able to think one word.


Harry Styles is desperate to be pretty.

Biting his tongue, he walks down the hall towards the bathroom.

"Haz?" A voice calls through the apartment, startling Harry so badly he lets out a small yelp.

"L-Louis?" Harry breathes out heavily, trying to calm his pounding heart. Louis isn't supposed to be here. He isn't supposed to see this. "What are you doing here? I thought you had work?" He had specifically timed it so Louis wouldn't be around.

Rounding the corner out of the living room and into the hall, Louis grins at his boyfriend.

"They gave me today off. Apparently the flu's going around the department so they closed it all." Stretching, Louis wraps his arms around Harry's neck, pulling him into a tight hug. "I thought I'd surprise you."

"I..." Harry hesitates. "I am surprised." Now he can't experiment. He'll have to wait until Louis leaves.

Pulling away, Louis looks into Harry's eyes, and confused pout on his face.

"What's wrong? You don't seem happy to see me."

"No, no! I am!" Harry insists, dropping the bag and grasping Louis' hips. He's being stupid. Louis' here. He should be happy, not hung up on his own ruined plans. Spending time with Louis is his favorite thing to do, he needs to appreciate it more. "I just wasn't expecting you. How long have you been here? I would've come back sooner."

"It's only been a couple minutes." Louis assures, swooning when Harry looks sad that he had missed time with him. "Ten minutes, max. I promise." With a hand on his cheek, Louis reaches up and presses a kiss to Harry's pouting lips.

"Where'd you go, Boo?" Louis asks, investigating the bag Harry lifted from the floor.

"Oh- no where. Out. Just to get stuff. Food." Harry babbles, concealing the bag behind his back.

Larry Stylinson One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora