Lights Up

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Summary: Louis' mentally struggling lately but Harry saves him every time.


It's felt like he's been drowning lately. Drowning on everything. Everywhere he goes, he's swimming through thick, hot air and fighting to get to the other side. Work overwhelms him, his responsibilities are too much and everything is just too hard. Space is what he needs, and just about the last thing he can possibly get.

"Baby! I got lunch from that restaurant you like. I thought we could meet in the park during your break and have a mini picnic. It'll be so much fun, I even packed the food into a little wicker basket."

Harry's excited voice sings through the phone, Louis' eyes closing and his breath heavily leaving his lungs.

Louis eats breakfast and dinner with Harry every day, can't he even have lunch to himself? He just wants to put his AirPods in and escape the wretched life he's made for himself.


Harry's the only light he has in his life. The only source of joy Louis gets most days. He's tired, but he has to attend to Harry. Without him, his life would be nothing. Louis loves Harry to the ends of the earth, he can't push him away no matter how gray his world becomes.

"That sounds great, Haz. My break's in, like, fifteen. I'll meet you in the park in twenty." Hopefully Harry can't tell that the cheeriness in his tone was completely fake.

"Alright. I can't wait to see your beautiful face. I love you."

See? The only thing that makes him happy.

Smiling to himself and looking at the floor embarrassedly, Louis thanks God for giving him Harry.

"I love you."


Dragging his feet down the sidewalk, Louis squints against the intrusively bright light of the sun. It's setting the world outside ablaze, yet it's still dark to Louis.

Rounding the corner and walking through the fence, he crosses the soft grass to the tree Harry always meets him at.

A smile crosses his mind, but doesn't quite make it to his lips, when he sees a red and white plaid blanket being thrown into the air by Harry, who's humming happily to himself.

"Hey." he says quietly, standing a few feet to Harry's left and watching as the food gets laid out.

"Louis!" He exclaims, his face lighting up as he leaps to his feet.

His arms wrap around Louis' shoulder in a firm, yet gentle hug, his curls tickling Louis' face as he does so.

Practically against his will, a smile paints Louis' face as his hands reach up to softly hug his boyfriend back.

Pulling away but still holding him close, Harry brushes some hair out of Louis' eyes.

"How's today been? You feeling okay?" He murmurs, his thumb caressing Lou's cheek.

"Um..." hesitation plagues Louis' response, not sure how much he wants to reveal. But this is Harry, he can tell him everything. "I've been better. I've been worse, too. I'm getting all the work done, but I've been absent. I don't remember actually doing it, I just... wake up?" He's never sure how to describe when he escapes his trances, but that seems most accurate. "and it's done. I'm really happy you called. You made me smile."

Harry grins sympathetically, pressing a kiss to the top of Louis' head. "That's what I'm here for, sunshine. To make you smile." He rests his head atop Louis' letting his hair fall over the two of them.

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