A Better Name Than That (1)

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Tennis Ball has created a new chat.

Tennis Ball has added 8-Ball, Basketball, Blocky, Golf Ball, Grassy, Robot Flower, and TV to (A Better Name Than That).

Basketball, Blocky, Golf Ball, Grassy and Tennis Ball are online.

Blocky: TB, what's the use of this gc

Tennis Ball: To communicate and strategize! 

Blocky: but this is our BFB team...

Golf Ball: Just roll with it, Blocky.

Blocky: roll with it? because you're a ball? PFFT

Golf Ball: Your humor is odd.

Basketball: Yeah.

Blocky: it's supreme humor

Tennis Ball: I beg to differ.

Blocky: TB your opinion doesn't matter

Tennis Ball: Awwww.

Golf Ball: Actually, everybody's opinion matters.

Blocky: your just mad your humor is inferior compared to mine

Golf Ball: It's 'you're'.

Blocky: blah blah blah cant hear you bossy bot

Golf Ball: ..

Grassy: I'm Grassy!

Blocky: what's up with you guys talking so formally anyways

Tennis Ball: Well, It's actually 'texting'!

Golf Ball: I believe that texting formally should be the only form of texting.

Basketball: GB, no.

Golf Ball: Hold on, some idiots are spam messaging me right now.

Golf Ball is now offline.

Blocky: lol

Tennis Ball: What's so funny?

Blocky: yo momma

Basketball: Blocky, that joke was terrible.

Tennis Ball: Agreed, the world would rejoice if you never made another joke again.

Blocky: yo momma so fat

Grassy: Grassy is grassy!

Blocky: well duh, what else would you be

Tennis Ball: Poaceae.

Blocky: the hell is that

Basketball: The scientific name for grass.

Blocky: 🎉💩

Blocky: your all a 🎉💩

Grassy: Grassy wants to destroy the government!!

Basketball: Ummmm.

Blocky: hahahaha funny prank right?

Tennis Ball: Gosh, this group chat was a mistake.


Tennis Ball has kicked Blocky from A Better Name Than That.

Basketball: Phew.

Grassy: Grassy likes murdering people!

Basketball: ...

Tennis Ball: Is that normal for Grassy to say?

Basketball: TB, what do you think.

8-Ball is now online.


Tennis Ball: Oh gosh! 8-Ball have you been possessed by the demons I summoned at the Pillary Ruins?!

Basketball: You summoned demons?

8-Ball: no its me blocky

Basketball: Wait how?

8-Ball: i texted four and convinced him to teleport 8ball out of the exit lol

Tennis Ball: Doesn't explain how you have 8-Ball's phone.

Grassy: Grassy is confused too.

8-Ball: oh yeahhhh...

Basketball: Blocky. What'd you do.

8-Ball: nothing bad just beat the living crap out of 8ball

Tennis Ball: Blocky.

8-Ball: nah my man still got a pulse he gon be good

Basketball: Will he though?


Tennis Ball: Blocky, don't make me kick you out again.

8-Ball: oh nóoóóóóó

Basketball: What's with the ós?

8-Ball: oh nóing in french thats all

8-Ball has kicked Tennis Ball from A Better Name Than That.

Basketball: BLOCKY.

8-Ball: whóóóóóóps

Basketball has added Tennis Ball to A Better Name Than That.

Tennis Ball: Thanks, Basketball.

Basketball: No problem, TB.

8-Ball: uh óhhhhh

Tennis Ball: Blocky.

8-Ball: ah hi tb

Tennis Ball: In order to kick someone from a group chat, you must be an admin or the group creator.

8-Ball: ah yes i see i sea

Tennis Ball: I never gave you those permissions.

8-Ball: hmmmm thats óddddddd

Basketball: Blocky.

8-Ball: nó

Tennis Ball: How did you kick me from the group chat.

8-Ball: hacks B)

Tennis Ball has kicked 8-Ball from A Better Name Than That.

Basketball: Oh well..

Tennis Ball: I'll just have to ask Four to recover 8-Ball and give him his phone back then add him into this group chat again.

Basketball: Rightttt.

Grassy: Grassy is Grassy!

Tennis Ball: Forgot you were online..


Basketball: WHAT THE HELL.

Tennis Ball: INITIATE PLAN B!!!

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