8 Names/Bleh (2)

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8 Names
Everyone is online.

a good friend: woah

a good friend: Everyone's online for the first time ever

fence: yeah, that's cool

Teardrop: 😎

stupid: i just watched the new tpot episode and apparently YOU got out???

Teardrop: mhm

Ice Cube: Zombies suck!

a good friend: aww

a good friend: i really like those zombie movies though!

Ice Cube: They suck if they're chasing you and you're being used as bait.

Book: Sorry to hear that, Icy.

Teardrop: i had to sacrifice myself

fence: thanks, td

fence: we appreciate it

Teardrop: no one's a zombie there anymore right?

fence: nope

fence: we're zombie clean

Dora: Daddadaadadaadadada?

Book: ...

Book: Sorry Dora, we don't understand what you're saying.

Book: Maybe you could try speaking in English?

fence: I dont think she knows english

stupid: yeah

stupid: if she did, she'd probably wouldn't be going 'dadadadadad'

Book: My bad. Stupid question.

Author: This is boring.. ugh- couldn't I have written this more interestingly?

Lollipop: damn, inserting yourself into a fanfic? you're at an all time low

Author: You know... I could just write you out of the chapter right?

Lollipop: as if you haven't already, you didn't mention me at all earlier and I KNOW IT WAS INTENTIONAL.

Author: ...

Author: Are you high on Ruby's drugs?

Lollipop: stop beating around the bush!

Author: I'm not beating around any bush.

Lollipop: you're doing this on purpose- you're making me really out if character just for t-

Author: Oh man, that was weird.

Author: Wait, who's Lollipop? You readers didn't see anything.

8 Names
Book, Dora, fence, Ice Cube, a good friend, stupid and Teardrop are online.

a good friend: aw man..

a good friend: if only lollipop was online

Ice Cube: Yeah.

stupid: ikr..

Teardrop: then everyone could be online for the first time ever...

fence: lolli's probably just busy with selling her fork repellent or wahyever

↷ Replying to Teardrop: then everyone could be online for the first time ever...
stupid: i just watched the new tpot episode and apparently YOU got out???

Teardrop: mhm

Ice Cube: Zombies suck!

a good friend: aww

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