A Better Name Than That (2)

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A/N: sooo i forgot abntt so yeah sorry dudes


A Better Name Than That
8-Ball, Basketball and TV are online.

8-Ball: Hi guys. 

Basketball: Hi 8-Ball! First time seeing you online.

8-Ball: uh yeah sorry haha was busy

TV: No need to apologize for being busy!

Basketball: Yeah. Work can get the better of us sometimes.

8-Ball: mhm..

Tennis Ball is now online.

Tennis Ball: Hey guys.

Basketball: Hey TB.

TV: Helloooo :D

8-Ball: uhh fuck you?

Tennis Ball: ...

Tennis Ball: Pardon?

8-Ball: Oh shit that was bad whoops

Basketball: 8-Ball, you alright?

TV: Maybe 8-Ball is sick with the flu. 

TV: Here's some tips to treat a flu. Stay at home and rest. Avoid close contact with well objects in your house so you won't make them sick. Drink plenty of water and other clear liquids to prevent fluid loss (dehydration). Treat fever and cough with medicines you can buy at the store.

TV: It's also recommended to take steamy showers, apply hot or cold packs around your Congested Sinuses and sleep with an extra pillow under your head.

8-Ball: Im not sick with the flu you idiot

8-Ball: I mean thank you for your caringness, tv

Basketball: 8-Ball, you seem unwell today.

8-Ball: No i am perfectly fine you nosy freak

8-Ball: I meant thank for caring, bb, my autocorrect is just acting off

Tennis Ball: Are we sure, 8-Ball?

Tennis Ball: I know that maybe we aren't on the best terms because of GB and all but.. I wouldn't go as far as to curse at a mutual. 

Basketball: You wouldn't curse at anyone, regardless enemy or not.

TV: Basketball has a very valid point.

Basketball: Basketballs are round, TV.

TV: Not what I meant :/

8-Ball: yeah im 100% sure, tv

8-Ball: I MEAN TB

8-Ball: haha?? autocorrect am i right?

Tennis Ball: What's 8-Ball's favourite number?

8-Ball: 8 duhhh

Basketball: You saw that, right?

Tennis Ball: Yes.

TV: Oh yeah.

TV: 8-Ball might have dementia. Here's a basic description of dementia and its symptoms. Dementia is not a specific disease but is rather a general term for the impaired ability to remember, think, or make decisions that interferes with doing everyday activities. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia. Though dementia mostly affects older adults, it is not a part of normal aging. 

TV: Symptoms of dementia include memory loss, difficulty concentrating, finding it hard to carry out familiar daily tasks, such as getting confused over the correct change when shopping, struggling to follow a conversation or find the right words, being confused about time and place and mood changes. If anyone you know has symptoms of dementia, please speak with a professional. Dementia is not a joke and should be taken seriously.

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