iance (2)

466 9 42

Bubble, Fanny, Flower and Ruby are online.

Fanny: Hey guys, just wanted to say, if Snowball comes online today he might be a little mad.

Ruby: why

Fanny: It's a long story and I don't feel like typing with my feet.

Flower: get someone to help you

Fanny: No.

Flower: why?

Ruby: why is snowball mad

Fanny: I'm going to take a rest.

Fanny has gone offline.

Flower: she just dropped a bomb and left us

Ruby: is bubble idle

Flower: idk

Ruby: she is i just checked her status

Ruby: where are you flower

Flower: talking to gelatin

Ruby: while also texting us??

Flower: i can multitask 

Snowball is now online.

Ruby: GASP


Snowball: Shut up.

Ruby: why are you mad???

↷ Replying to Ruby: GASP
Flower: did you just type gasp 

Snowball: Ruby, shut the fuck up.

Flower: dont be so mean, sb

Flower: shes just curious

Snowball: You too. Shut up.

Snowball: I didn't come here to listen to your stupid blabbering.

Flower: then why are you here

Snowball: Suggestions on how to kill Eraser and frame it on someone else.


Ruby: why would you kill THE eraser??

Flower: i thought eraser was your friend

Snowball: Well clearly.. he wasn't a real friend considering FOOD mattered more to him.

Ruby: i thought you were stupid

Ruby: how are you typing so well

Ruby: didnt you fail a test in bfdi 

Flower: i think thats too many questions, ruby

Flower: and also a little rude..

Snowball: I'm using autocorrect and Grammarly. 


Ruby: can i install those too

Ruby: can I???? can i?????

Flower: you can, ruby

Flower: its on the internet

Flower: just dont accidentally install a virus or four's going to kill us


Ruby is now idle.

Snowball: So?

Snowball: Where are my suggestions?

Flower: maybe you should talk it out

Snowball: That's not going to happen!

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