Part 6

202 12 7

Warning: Language

Ronan's POV

I was working on the presentation that Adam had emailed me to make last night. Light music played through my headphones as I worked at my desk, so focused on my laptop that I didn't hear anyone come in until they stood next to me.

I jolted in my chair and half-heartedly tried to hit Hunter in the stomach as Mason laughed at my reaction. Now facing them, I pulled my headphones off and let them rest around my neck, the music still playing. "What?"

"We're going out, let's go," Mason all but ordered me. I didn't bother trying to hold in my scoff or the eye roll that followed it. "Your word is my command, your Majesty, but I'm working, so fuck off," and with that, I spun around in my chair. Mason, ever persistent, spun me right back around. "We're having a party tomorrow night man, we have to go get stuff, let's go," he explained, flashing me a smile, as if that would make me feel happier about what he just said. I groaned. Another party? I'm pretty sure we had one barely a week ago, and that ended with me, Hunter, James and Derik fighting a bunch of guys that tried to crash the party.

It's like Hunter could read my mind because he said, "I know the last one sucked, but you know its tradition. We always have a party before the season starts." Arguing was useless, that much I knew. We shared the house with James, Derik and Kai, all of whom loved only two things; hockey and parties. I can't get them to not have it. The most I could probably do was sit in my room the whole time, but with a party that big raging downstairs, there was no point in doing that.

Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against parties. I'm all in for the music and the dumb games and the dancing and the messing around. But Hunter was right about it being tradition to have a big party before the season started, and the last thing I wanted to do was have that party with everything going on.

I was stuck as captain, Kavinski was off the ice for most of the season and Connor probably hated my guts right now. I wanted to figure my shit out, not have a party. I heaved in a big sign, knowing that I'd already lost. It was practically unavoidable.

"Well, I'm working right now, Adam will lose his shit if I don't finish this before 8. So, bugger off," I told them. I loved my older brother, and he loved me just as much, but he was a hard ass when it came to work and anything related to the business. Arguably, he did pay me, quite generously I must add, for the work I did, so I somewhat understood why he was like that.

Wordlessly, I picked up my car keys that were on my desk's shelf and I threw them to Hunter. "Not a fucking scratch, you hear me?" I instructed. I loved my car, it was a sleek black Mercedes. I didn't drive it much while I was here, mostly opting to ride with Hunter and Mason since we were usually together. They, however, took every opportunity they could to use it, claiming that I was 'letting it waste away'. That really wasn't the case though. I just didn't need to use it as much as I did back home.

They ran out the room, excited. "And if I get another ticket, you guys are screwed!" I yelled. They were complete twats, and I already regretted letting them use my baby. Oh well.

I let out a breath as I turned back to the presentation I was working on for Adam. Luckily, I only had to make it, not give it. It was, however, pretty damn long. I felt bad for whoever had to sit and listen to it all. I checked my phone and, realizing I don't have much time to spare, got back to work.


Derik, the genius he was, came up with the idea to make a guest list for the party this time and to get someone to stand outside and check everyone as they came in. He'd just got off the phone with some freshman he knew, agreeing to pay him and let him and his friends in when all the guests were there, when Mason and Hunter walked through the front door carrying boxes filled with all kinds of drinks.

"Care to help?" Hunter asked, looking at Derik and me expectantly. "Naw, I'm good," Derik replied as I got up to take the boxes from Hunter. I chuckled, it was a classic Derik response, and Hunter was stupid for even asking him. "Shit head," he mumbled, loud enough for us to hear. Oh, here we go.

"Dip shit," Derik responded straight away.

"Ass wipe"


"Horse face"

They went on for a while and I was surprised they could come up the number of insults they did. I mostly ignored them and chose to focus on getting all the things they bought into the kitchen. There was a lot of stuff; this was going to be a hell of a party.

When Mason and I finished bringing everything in, and Derik and Hunter called it quits on their quarrelling, we got to work on the guest list. When we finished adding our friends, Derik sent a message in the team group chat.

Derik: Party at our place tmro theres a guest list everyone send names of ppl u wanna bring.

James and Kai saw the message and joined us in the sitting room to add people to the list. "No, we aren't inviting Sophie, she's creepy as shit and won't stop asking me about my thighs..." James was complaining when I turned to Hunter.

"Did you invite your girl?" I asked him as I took a break from scribbling down the names everyone was throwing at me, letting James and Derik argue it out. Mason, overhearing us, cut in before he could answer. "Tell her to bring Lily, she's nice," he said.

Hunter smirked at him. "Does someone have a crush on Lily?" he asked in a baby voice, getting me to chuckle as Mason swore at him. "Shut up man," Mason said grudgingly.

"She's already coming Romeo. I texted Vicky before we left, she said she's bring her roommates," Hunter explained, grinning at Mason. Mason rolled his eyes before asking, "Wait, roommates? I thought it was just her and Lily?"

I realized he was right, the couple times we met Veronica, she only mentioned having one house mate and introduced us to Lily. Hunter nodded at us, "yeah, they got some new transfer girl in the apartment this semester and they're pretty chill. I said it was fine," he explained.

"Transfer? So she's just joined?" Mason questioned. Hunter hummed, "I don't know much, just that she's a swimmer and in third year with us. I think she takes sociology or psychology or something like that, that's what Veronica told me," he informed us. "Oh," Hunter added, "Vicky also told me that everyone has to be nice to her since she's new and to not 'freak her out with your hockey thing', whatever she means by that."

I laughed lightly. I knew exactly what she meant, and I'm pretty sure he did too. We were all known for being tough, intimidating douchebags. I don't really know why, I think it's just a thing that comes with playing a rough sport. Although, I can't lie, some of the boys really can be shitty sometimes.

Before Mason could ask any further questions, Hunter's phone went off. He gestured for me to give him the paper I was writing all the names on and I obliged, handing him the pen as well. I leaned back on the sofa as he wrote down the names of who I assumed were his girlfriend and her friends, judging by the way Mason was hovering over him as he wrote.

I wasn't sure how to feel about this party. I was somewhat dreading it, if I was to be honest. I wasn't sure how the rest of the team would react to me, never mind everyone else that would probably hear about me being captain before they came. 

I signed, hoping that this party won't be as bad as I felt it would be.

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