Part 16

172 13 19

Shoutout to @Mocha_Gangsta I love your writing<3 All 3 of her works are available on her profile, give them a look!

Warning: language

Ronan's POV

You know those days? The ones where things just keep going from bad to worse, and you tell yourself, well, it can't get any worse than this, right? But then, it does.

Today I was having one of those days, and I told myself that there really wasn't anything that could make it any worse as I made my way to Mason's car. The universe, however, had other plans, and that was when I heard someone call me. "Ronan! Wait!"

I didn't need to turn around to know who it was; her voice was one I could recognise anywhere. I internally groaned as I dropped my duffle bag on the ground. Then, I spun around to look at the woman I had spent months actively avoiding as she jogged to catch up to me.

Siobhan Ivory looked the same, even after all the months apart. The only real difference was her hair, but I had become accustomed to her dying it a new scandalous colour every few weeks. Now, as I looked at her, it was a mix of light purple and black strands tied up in her famous messy bun; the one that she had once explained was fashionably messy and not actually messy.

She probably had her contacts in, since her glasses were nowhere in sight, and she was wearing loose ripped jeans and the jersey I had given her with my name and number on the back. At this, I frowned.

She had no right to be wearing my jersey after what she had done. She had no right to be watching one of my games, let alone try to talk to me after such a terrible match. A few months ago, I would have been relieved to see her after a game like that, but not now, not anymore. Things had changed.

I didn't have the energy to tell her to leave, the same way I didn't have the energy to fight Amelia. Any will I had left after that game had been used up in the dressing room and the second I stepped out, I felt numb.

While I had somewhat willingly obliged to Amelia's orders, I wasn't going to let that be the case with Siobhan. I couldn't, not after everything that happened. I owed that to myself. To her, I owed nothing.

The numb feeling didn't falter as we looked at each other. I was grateful my heart didn't pound in my chest and ears the way it used to around her, and I didn't feel the hurt I once did after what she had done.

An awkward silence hung between us, but I refused to break it. Since I wasn't the one seeking conversation, I wouldn't be the one to initiate it.

"Ron, hey. How-how are you?" she stuttered. I noticed her fidgeting hands and her wrung fingers, a tell that she was nervous, and I hated myself for relaxing and feeling the need to soften towards her. I hated that a part of me missed hearing her say my name like that. I hated not having her there to calm me down after my games like she did for years, as my best friend as well as my girlfriend.

We had known each other since high school; our mothers were once good friends, and the Ivory's had moved into town a year after my parents' death. Siobhan and I had clicked the second we met, and were attached at the hip every day since.

It was hard, losing a girlfriend and best friend in one go. I remember Mason warning me, telling me that if things went south with Siobhan and I, it would be hard for this exact reason. I had pushed his concern to the side, thinking that there was no way anything could go wrong between us and that there was nothing she could do that I wouldn't forgive.

I wish I could smack some sense into my past self; how wrong he had been.

"You don't get to call me that," I tried to keep my voice as monotone as possible, not wanting to give away anything. The last thing I needed was for her to get the wrong idea when, in reality, this was just a moment of weakness.

Ice Cold LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora