Part 9

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Warning: language, mention of substance

Amelia's POV

People were flooding into the house as I parked outside it, while avoiding running over tipsy college students as I did. Lily and Veronica were jumping out of my Jeep before I could even put it into park.

They'd both had a round or two of shots in the car on the way here, and it clearly showed. I got out and ran to the other side to catch up with them. I didn't know anyone at this party except Veronica and Lily, and as much as I wanted to make some new friends, I didn't want to be in unknown territory without them by my side.

Veronica grabbed me and Lily by our wrists. "Come on, let me introduce Amelia to Hunter," she said excitedly, deciding what we were going to do first. As we got closer, I realised the place was packed. A queue had formed, and two boys with clipboards managed the entrance.

"Vicky, Hunter put us on the list right?" Lily asked, squinting at the boys that were playing bouncers for the night. "Yeah he did, but this is gonna take foreverrrr," Veronica elongated the r at the end, and I made a mental note to remember that she's obviously a lightweight.

Lily was holding out much better, and it seemed she wanted to take advantage of Veronica's state, because she said, "Vicky, you're Hunter's girlfriend. Are they seriously going to make you wait to go see your boyfriend?"

Lily's prompting worked perfectly, and she gave me a wink over her shoulder as Veronica mumbled her agreement and dragged us to the front of the line. Some of the people we passed made snide comments as we went, but one glare from Lily had them throw their hands up in surrender.

I found this version of Veronica quite amusing. She was never this outgoing and bold when she was sober. I couldn't help but think that Hunter was one lucky man.

The two boys in front of us didn't seem impressed by our cutting the line. "To the back ladies," the shorter one ordered, waving his pen towards the line of people before him. Veronica stood up as tall as she could and looked straight at him with an expression that told him she wouldn't take his shit.

"I'm Hunter's girlfriend, Veronica Reeds," I thought, and hoped, that I imagined Veronica puff out her chest in pride. The taller, lankier boy looked at her, amusement dancing in his eyes. "And I'm Britney Spears, bitch," he said in a high pitched voice, his comment getting laughs out of the people nearby.

Veronica deflated instantly and flushed a light shade of pink. "Excuse me?!" Lily screeched at him as I took a step forward, hoping to hide an embarrassed Veronica from their view. "You did not just call my friend a bitch," I said as I mustered up the most venomous look I could and aimed it at him.

"Would you rather I be more specific and call her an entitled bitch? Because I will if you don't go right fucking now," he spat back, and while the people waiting yelled things like 'burn' and 'served', his friend grabbed him by the arm and told him to calm down.

My frustration reached its boiling point, and just as I was about to tell the guy what entitled bitches are made of, a voice boomed from behind them, "who the fuck do you think you are, calling my girlfriend a bitch?"

At the sound of her boyfriend, Veronica turned and ran to him, almost tackling him with her hug. He held her to his chest instantly. "Hunterrr," she said, slightly unsteady on her feet, "I missed you baby. Can you tell these guys that I'm your girlfriend, pleaaasee?" she practically whined. Her words were dragged because of the alcohol in her system.

Note to self: Veronica and drinking can't go in the same sentence. Hunter held Veronica with care, but he was glaring daggers at the two bouncer boys, who looked scared out of their minds.

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