Part 17

185 13 24

Warning: language, violence

Amelia's POV

"Does Ronan have a girlfriend?" I blurted.

Lily paused the Friends episode she was watching and Veronica stopped typing on her laptop. They quickly glanced at each other, the silent words they shared unknown to me, then looked at me. Veronica seemed surprised by my sudden outburst, while Lily sported an amused smirk.

"Why?" Lily drawled, the suggestiveness in her voice evident. I rolled my eyes at her; she had it all wrong. Veronica threw one of the sofa cushions at her. "Don't be ridiculous Lily. Those two wouldn't get together even if they were the last people on Earth."

I had to agree with Veronica. If there was a zombie apocalypse, I'd rather try my luck with a zombie than go anywhere near Ronan Harding. I wiggled my finger as I pointed it at her. "Exactly, thank you Veronica."

"Alright, then why're you asking?" Lily fired the question at me, an eyebrow quirked. I took a moment to think about what to say. I hadn't informed them of how I'd dropped Ronan off at his house, and why I did. To be honest, the why was still a bit of a question mark to me as well, which was why I hadn't told them about the whole thing to begin with.

Why did I give the guy a ride home? As I asked myself the question, an image of him and the woman he was with came to mind. I remembered how broken he'd looked while speaking to her, how sad and lost and out of it.

I had heard snippets of their conversation and seen him try to walk away, only to be dragged back by the woman. I think I felt bad for him. His hockey game had been tough, and then Hunter had mentioned some disagreement in the dressing room when he came out himself. And to top it off, he was ambushed by that lady in the parking lot.

I wasn't Ronan Harding's biggest fan, but I was human enough to know that the guy was having a terrible day. I guess I just wanted to stop it from getting any worse, even if he was a rude prick.

The second question that wouldn't stop nagging me was who the woman was. Was that any of my business? Absolutely not. Was I still curious? Of course. She looked to be to same age as us, and it was obvious the two of them knew each other. That's all I had gathered.

I turned my attention to my friends, who were still waiting for me to give them an answer. A part of me wanted to ask them for all the details, but I had a feeling this curiosity was the kind to kill the cat.

The better part of asked, if I was Ronan, would I want people knowing about what happened in that parking lot? I knew the answer and let out a heavy sigh. "I was just curious," I muttered as I cast my eyes down. I hated what my answer instigated, but I couldn't come up with a better excuse. They were well acquainted with Ronan, if he wanted them to know, he'd tell them himself.

"See?! I knew it!" Lily cackled as she threw Veronica's cushion back at her. "That is so not true. Forget I even asked," I grumbled as I picked my book up and tried to focus on reading.

I had to admit, he was physically attractive, with his wavy dark brown hair that fell into his grey eyes and his huge body that was probably all hard muscle. It was his personality made all of that invisible. He was hot until he opened his mouth, then he was just a jerk.

"Sure, Amelia, whatever you say babe," Lily said breezily and then winked at me. I would have tried to defend myself, but knowing Lily as much as I did, it would only make it worse. Hopefully, if I came off as indifferent to everything Ronan-related, she'd change her mind.

Veronica, who quietly watched the exchange from her spot on the sofa, thankfully steered us away from the topic. "Girls, Hunter and Mason wanna hang out sometime, are you guys busy tomorrow after classes?" she asked, looking up from her phone.

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