Part 20

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Warning: harassment (I have put hashtags # to denote the start and end of the portion that contains this content for those that may find it triggering but still want to read this chapter. I will leave summary at the start of the next chapter for those that choose to skip this one so that everyone can stay caught up. Regardless, please be mindful and continue reading at your own risk.)

Amelia's POV

I was halfway through my busy day, and all I wanted was for it to end so that I could go home and curl up in bed. I was currently seated at a picnic table in one of the campus gardens, going through my day's to-do list and trying to convince my head to not explode.

I'd started my day with an early morning meeting with Coach Amber and my swim captain, Scarlett Johnson. Because of what happened with Ronan, I'd missed the last swim meet. Though neither Coach nor Captain was pleased with my absence, they excused it when I claimed to have had a personal emergency, which wasn't exactly a lie.

They then informed me that I had been selected by the university management to attend a charity event that was to be held in two weeks. Several universities had been invited and were asked to bring one member of their respective swim teams.

The event included a small friendly swimming gala and a dinner, and the charity event was being held to fund underprivileged and under-funded swimming teams and give them a chance to gain some competition experience and learn from varsity level athletes.

In all honesty, if it hadn't been a charity event, I would have declined straight away. I already had a lot on my plate and there was only so much I could manage. But, Coach told me that my attendance would encourage Bond University to make a donation, since I would be representing them. I couldn't say no after hearing that.

After the meeting, I ran across campus to find Lily, who had asked me for some help in her fashion management project. Now, don't get me wrong, Lily excelled at anything fashion related, whether it be designing or marketing or modelling. But, when it came to anything maths related, she wasn't the brightest crayon in the box.

I walked her through the basic things I knew and helped her find some online sources that covered whatever was left, since I wasn't extremely knowledgeable in business mathematics

When we were done, I attended two classes and then gave a test in the third, which I think I aced because I'd spent half the night studying for it. I would have been free to go home now, but this morning I received an email from Student Affairs, asking me to visit them at my earliest convenience.

I was a bit worried, considering the email hadn't included any other details. It was this concern that encouraged me push my visit back as much as I could. But, since I was done with my academic day, I didn't have much choice. If I delayed going any longer, I would be late for work.

It took me ten minutes to find the Student Affairs office, thanks to my terrible navigation skills and goldfish memory. Thankfully, there was no one in the office, save for the receptionist. He looked up at me as I approached his desk.

"Good afternoon, I received an email asking me to visit Student Affairs?" I asked, unsure of what else to say since I didn't know why I had been called.

"Name and student ID?" he inquired, glancing at me from above his glasses. The middle aged man clearly wished he could be anywhere but here, and I forced myself to hold back an eye roll at his tone and disinterest.

I watched him type away on his computer as I gave him my details, brows furrowed in concentration. I waited as his eyes searched the screen.

"Right, Ms Del Fava, it says here that you applied to be a tutor in..." he trailed off, scanning the computer. "Statistics."

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