8| is it a boy or girl?

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The sun was setting over the city, casting a warm glow over the streets lined with towering skyscrapers and bustling with activity. In the heart of downtown, a grand ballroom had been transformed into a lavish setting fit for a  greatest mafia's son  gender reveal party. The room was filled with opulent decorations - from gold-plated candelabras to crystal chandeliers that sparkled in the soft light.

As the guests arrived at the extravagant mansion, they were greeted by a sea of black SUVs and men in sharp suits with earpieces. The Grey family was known for their extravagant parties, and this one was no exception. 

The guest list was a who's who of the underworld, with famous mafia men and politicians rubbing elbows and exchanging pleasantries. Dante's father, David Grey, stood at the entrance with a wide grin, welcoming guests and fielding questions about the gender of his son's baby.

 The men wore tailored suits that accentuated their powerful stature, while the women flaunted elegant gowns that hugged their curves and oozed sophistication. The air was thick with anticipation as everyone mingled and sipping champagne.

At the center of the room stood the guest of honor - Dante Grey, the ruthless leader of one of the most powerful mafia families in the city. Dressed in a sharp black suit and sporting a menacingly handsome grin, he exuded an aura of authority that commanded respect from all who crossed his path. Beside him stood his beautiful wife, Valentina, her fiery red hair cascading down her back in loose curls and her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Other than this, his brothers stood and awaited the gender reveal. Everyone had their own thoughts on whether it would be a girl or boy. Giana, dressed elegantly in purple, stood between them.

With her eyes fixed on the balloon her brother was holding, she murmured, "I hope it's a girl."

Zephyr looked at her and stated, "What if it's a boy? Then? 

She said, her gaze fixed on the balloon the entire time, "I would have to deal with another idiot."
Zephyr stood motionless, while Hunter and Aaron struggled to contain their laughter.

As the clock struck eight, Dante raised his glass for attention, the tinkling sound of crystal against crystal silencing the room. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us tonight for this special occasion," he began, his voice smooth and confident."

 "As you all know, my wife and I are expecting a baby, and tonight we will reveal the gender of our precious bundle of joy."

Finally, it was time for the big reveal. Dante stood on stage with his wife, by his side. The couple beamed with excitement as they held a giant balloon filled with colored confetti. The crowd held their breath as Dante took a deep breath and popped the balloon, sending pink confetti flying into the air.

"It's a girl!" Dante exclaimed, his voice filled with joy. 

The room erupted in cheers and applause as the guests congratulated the happy couple. David Grey wiped a tear from his eye as he embraced his son, feeling proud that the Grey family name would live on through another generation. 

Dante's face broke into a proud smile as he wrapped his arm around his wife, kissing her cheek tenderly. Valentina beamed with joy as tears of happiness welled up in her eyes, her hand resting protectively over her growing belly.

"i told you, it would be a girl." Giana spoke, cheering for his elder brother.

The party continued into the night, with music and laughter filling the air as the guests celebrated the impending arrival of the newest member of the family. Champagne flowed freely, and plates of decadent Italian cuisine were served to guests who indulged in the delicious fare.

time skip

In the midst of the festivities, Giana, stood by the elegant staircase, anxiously waiting for her best friend Joseph to arrive. She couldn't wait to see him and share in the excitement of the evening.

Finally, Joseph made his grand entrance, looking dashing in his suit and tie. Giana's face lit up as she spotted him and hurried over to greet him. They embraced warmly, excited to spend the evening together.

"sorry for being late."

"no worries. you know, it's a girl."

"Really! i believe, you can predict the future", he laughed as he remembered her words a night before.

As they made their way through the crowded room, Giana and Joseph found a quiet corner to catch up and talk. They shared stories of their week, laughed at inside jokes, and reminisced about their school fun. Though they had just a day before, she missed these talks. Their friendship had always been filled with joy and understanding, and tonight was no different.

As the night went on, the music grew louder and the dancing began. Giana and Joseph watched as couples twirled and spun on the dance floor, their faces filled with joy and abandon. She longed to join them, but she hesitated, feeling a sudden rush of nerves.

Seeing her hesitation, Joseph took her hand and led her out onto the dance floor. The music swirled around them, and Giana felt the tension melting away. Joseph's strong arms guided her movements as they danced, their bodies moving in perfect harmony.

As they danced, Giana and Joseph couldn't help but laugh and tease each other. They twirled and dipped, lost in the joy of the moment. she felt a rush of happiness and freedom, grateful to have such a wonderful friend by her side.

As the song came to an end, Giana and Joseph paused, breathless and smiling. They looked into each other's eyes, a warmth and closeness between them that was undeniable. In that moment, Giana felt a fluttering in her heart, a realization that her feelings for Joseph ran deeper than she had ever realized.

Joseph must have felt it too, for he leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Giana, may I have this dance?" 

Giana's heart skipped a beat as she nodded, feeling a rush of excitement and nerves.

As they moved together to the rhythm of the music, she felt as if she were floating on air. The world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them in a perfect moment of connection and joy. Time seemed to stand still as they danced, lost in each other's eyes and the music that surrounded them.

As the night wore on, Giana and Joseph danced and laughed until they were breathless. The parties would go on, the music would play, and the laughter would continue long into the night. But for Giana and Joseph, this moment would always hold a special place in their hearts, a memory of a night filled with love, friendship, and the magic of a perfect dance.

to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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