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WE HAD REACHED the court and there was Geno and the rest of the team here. I immediately move away from Paige trying to avoid the tension hanging between us

I needed to focus on basketball nothing else

I stood next to KK who I only recently had started talking to. She was definitely the funniest one on the team by far there was no denying.

I couldn't help but laugh sometimes when she would whisper something random or stupid in my ear or make sassy comebacks to coach

We got on good.

"I want you guys in pairs. We're doing something a little different today" Geno said clapping is hands for us to move

I looked over at Nika and she just smiled cheekily before partnering up with Aaliyah

I glared at her already knowing exactly what she was trying to do.

I then turned to KK she also had a mischievous glint in her eye

"KK don't even-" I say but I was interrupted when she yelled for Ines to be her partner

Everyone had partnered up purposely avoiding Paige and I so they could get us to partner up

I look again at Nika as she looked like she just won something and everyone was in on it.

I gave her a harsh glare before she just started laughed

I rolled my eyes and sighed walking awkwardly up to Paige. I tried to forget the situation that happened prior but as I stood close to her I couldn't help but look at her lips.

The same lips that almost touched mine not more than 20 minutes ago

"I want you guys to do 2v2 knockouts. The duo that wins gets a prize" Geno explains

"What's the prize?" KK asked intrigued

"No suicides for the rest of the month"

Everyone looked at each other now ready to win

"Alright let's go first up KK and Ines vs Ice and Shade" he said blowing his whistle for them to start


Eventually after and hour or so it was the final game

Paige and Nailea vs Nika and Aaliyah

The duo knew this would be a tough game as it was clear Nika and Aaliyah would dominate in the paint

Causing the two to stick to mid range shots and threes

After watching this 2v2 everyone could see that Paige and Nailea shared some sort of connection on and off the court

Nailea was tactical, creating good shots and smart passes. Paige was the aggressive one, not afraid to risk a lay up or force an and one.

Their chemistry was on point. When Nai had the ball and moved to a certain spot it was like Paige was inside her head. She knew her next move or the shot she would take. It allowed them to knock out the other duos

Though Nai had just came here she had known Paige her whole life. Nobody was beating them

As the game started the rest of the team had picked their sides for who was going to win. However the four on the court paid no mind

𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 • Paige Bueckers Where stories live. Discover now