chapter 10

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Ali pov

We rode around the dirt rode for at least an hour then we went back to em's house. We went to em's room and watch Netflix so I thought it was the perfect time to ask.

A- em what are we

E- can we just stay friends

I felt my heart brake. Her phone goes off

A- who's that

E-it was no one

Ok that was weird. I act like I was looking at the tv when I was looking at her phone I saw her texting someone it's under heart eyes emoji. She received a text that said I missed you with a heart. Does she likes someone else? I guess I have to get together with Paige.

Em pov

My best friend jessica text me today. I want her to meet alison so I didn't tell her who she is she comes on Friday. I also told alison I wanted to be friends because I want to go all out because she is worth it.


Me and Paige got back together yaaaay! Not really.


A-em can you drip me of at my house I have section


E- yea let's go

All they way there we hummed and listen to music all they way to my house

A- bye em

E- bye

Em drove away

I open the door and started up to my room when I open my for Paige was sitting on my bed.

A- what do you want

P- I want you ali I can't live without you and I love you Emily was probably using you for sex anyway I really hope we can fix this Im sorry I'll do any thing for you to forgive me.

I thought about the part when she said em was probably using me for sex. But she would have broke down in tears if she was using me. But em dissent like me like i like her so I guess I'll try to make it work with Paige.

A- you have one chance

P- thank you I'll make it up to you

Paige kissed me and I felt no sparks like o felt with em's. She push me back onto my breed and we had a big name out section

End of flashback

Pagie has been pretty nice. I been ignoring em I have 23 miss calls 12 voicemails 32 message. What do I tell her I jealous so I went out with Paige just to make you jealous
Spencer and cece suggests that I go explain myself but like I said once before Alison DiLaurentis do not get friend zoned that's a no blow. Maybe of I forget about her I'll forget about her and fall in love with Paige.

Em pov

I haven't talked or seen ali since I took her home. She have been avoiding me and Han told me she started dating Paige again. I can't believe her she tells me she really likes me then go and date the one person I can't stand. I even told her I didn't want her dating anyone. But today my sister comes but it wasn't be till late at night. Right now I'm sitting in fourth period trying to ali to text me

Please ali just text me

I miss you❤

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