chapter 12

622 12 0

Ali pov

Cece, me and hanna are all watching Netflix

C- Kahn just texted me for a party wanna go

H- hell yea

A- are you sure

C- yes

A- u- uh I guess

H- well get your asses up and get dress wait what time does it start

C- well it's 7 so we have two hours to get ready

H- OMG I don't know if we'll make it in time

I run to my bathroom and took a shower. It took 30 minutes to take a shower. I get out and put a white and black shirt with yellow outlines with black shorts. I put on black and yellow shoes I straighten my hair. I'm ready. I pull out my phone and text cece and hanna that I'm ready.

C- let's go

We got into Cece's blue and black Lamborghini. We sang off key to music. We pull up to the cabin

H- now this is what I live for

C- let's go then

We all walk in and is greeted by Noel

N- hello my ladies

H- we are not your ladies and in pretty sure all of us is gay

N- well damn Blondie

C- in case you haven't noticed there is three blondes here

N- well enjoy the party

We pushed passed Noel and went straight to the kitchen. I take 7 shots, 3 cups of vodka, and 10 bottles of beer. Yup I'm shitfaced. I went to play a game of truth and dare. I sit down in the circle

N- who wanna go first

B- I will, truth or dare alison

A- dare

B- I dare you to kiss Alexis

I walk over to Alexis and put my hand around her neck and pull her closer in to me and kissed her. We started to get car calls and whistles. I pull away and winked at her and sat back down and played.

Em pov

I was dancing till jess pulled me away

E- what are you doing I was having fun

J- let's play truth or dare

E- I don't wanna

J- well then watch me and drink

E- I'm so wasted I don't even care let's go

We walk in the game room I see ali playing im on the other half of the room I watching cece play

N- who Wanda go first

B- I will, truth or dare alison

A- dare

B- I dare you to kids Alexis

Alison walk over to Alexis and put her hand around her neck and pull her closer in to her and kissed her. They started to get cat calls and whistles. She pulls away and winked at her and sat back down and played more. I walk out of the cabin. I search my phone for my phone. I find it in my back pocket and called Spencer

Hey who is this

Um this is emmmilyy

Are you calling me while your drunk

Yes I n(hiccups)need you to come pick me up please I do mad right now and I don't wanna do anything I'll regret

Where are you

At Noel Kahn cabin

OK I'll get you

I walk to my car and climb on top of roof and and played down.

S- em is that you

E- I don't know are you you

S- why are you on top of your car

E- I saw ali kissing Alexis and she didn't even hesitate too

S- maybe she was wasted

E- I was wasted but you didn't see me kissing anyone

By this time I was crying. I was crying in front of someone. I shouldn't let her see me like this but the tears keep falling.

S- come on em let's go you are staying at my place

I roll over and jumped down from the car. Spencer helps me to her car.

S- who are you here with

E- um um Jessica

S- well at least you called me before you did something stupid

Spencer pov

Taking care of a drunk Emily IS like a emotional kid who eat to much candy. She is sing off- key to the radio. I look at her to see her taking her shirt off

S- what are you doing Emily

I yell at her

E- taking my shirt off it too hot

S- put your shirt back

Emily take her shirt off anyways. She left down the window and through her shirt out

S- what the fuck em

E- i um I um I don't know

I don't even know why she is so emotional I don't even think they're together.We pull up to my house and I walk her to the back to the barn/loft. I lay her down on the couch and went to get her some aspirins and a bottle of water. I walk back into the living room Emily was already sleep. I turn off the lights and went to sleep

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