chapter 17

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Ali pov

I woke up in someone arms. Emily's. I turn around to face em. I stare at her and play with her hair

E- it's not nice to stare

A- not my fault your hot

E- you got a point but you are hot too

A- but not as not as you

E- say what you want but you are amazingly hot

A- do you want breakfast

E- yes

Em starts kissing down my neck. She grabs my breast and massage. I feel her member poking my butt.

A- not that type of breakfast

E- why not

A- because I'm hungry

I get to fall right back down on the bed

E- sore

A- yes

I try again and walk to ems closet for a robe I slowly walk down stairs to the kitchen. Em comes down stairs with a done one. I mix the pancake mix. Em wraps her arms around me and starts kissing down my neck. I slightly moan. I feel ems member poke my ass. Em unties my robe and but it to one side. She wrap her hands around the front of my body and run my clit

A- em I have to cook

E- I want dessert

I fill her enter me slowly. "Fuck em" I moan as she slides in slowly. She grabs a hand full of my hair and pull it back pounding into me. " say my name" em says huskily. "Daddy" I saying gasping for air. "Louder" ems slaps me ass hardly making me wince in pain and pleasure. "DADDYYYY" I say reaching my high. She helps me ride out my orgasm.

A- babe you didn't cum

E- I know it was all about you

I then around and drop to my knees

E- you don't have to

A- I want too

I above her never in my mouth and flick it with my tongue. I she moans and cums into my mouth.

A- yum

E- your so fucking hot

I go back to make pancakes. I go into ems room with two plates. We eat and cuddle. When someone burst into em's room.

H/C- did you do it yet

E- what are y'all talking about

C- sex dipshit

E- yes now leave

H- no team sparia is here to so it is couple week

E- can't they go in your room

H- no your bed and TV is bigger

E- no its not hanna your room is half of this house

C- really

H- she just mad because I have two walk in closet

E- no I'm not it stupid

H- when it comes to clothes it is not

E- sure

S/Ar- team sparia here

A- fine y'all can come

H- ali we know you cum

A- shut up

C- did y'all cum all over this bed

A- let's just go to rosewood to my house

Ar- agree

H- no funny business

E- I'll try

S- nasty

E- you try being me with a hot as girl that's all your

S- actually I do her name is aria

A- what guys let's go

E- get out so we can get dress

S/C- like we said before to ali you ain't got nothing be haven't seen before

E- do y'all like rehearse this stuff

H/Ar- no it comes to us like ali came for you

A- not funny you guys

Ar/C/S/H- it is

E- well since I'm in her leave

H- OK no need to get ali panties in a twist

Hanna,cece,Spencer,and aria left leaving me and em.

A- I'm taking a shower first

E- can we take one together

A- no I know you

E- come on its only a shower

A- yea a shower then it turns into shower sex am I right or am I right

E- please I'll just shower

A- if you don't im not putting out for a month

E- feisty I like and ok

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