chapter 22

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Em pov

A truck comes from around the corner. They roll down the window and take pictures of her running. As the trunk pass I look inside of the car and notice boys in it taking pictures. As we make it to alison house and sit down.

H- okay who's next

M- I pick Jessy bae

J- OK give it to me

M- I  triple dog dare you to go pee on uhm.... It's there anyone y'all hate

Ce- ugh yes ali ex Paige... barf on my mouth ugh she is so unbearable

M- well jess I triple dog dare you to pee on Paige porch

J- OK let's go

We all get in on hanna black range Rover and dive to Paige's house. We pull up to her house and get out the car.

H- you better drink alot of water

Hanna give jess the three water bottles. Jess opens them and chugged chuges them down

J- wish me luck

E- you got this

Jess walks on to Paige's porch and pull down her pants and starts peeing. I lean up against what I guess is Paige car and gets an idea. I jump on the car making the alarm go off. Everyone looks at me  with scared faces while shrug my shoulder

E- she'll be OK

I look at jess and she her panicking to hurry up. The door open as soon as he's pulled up her pants. Me and the girl start the car and Jess jumped in

J- I'm so getting you back door that

E- it's nothing I can't take

J- OK then I triple dog dare you to rob a Corner store

A- like hell  she is

E- ali babe it's OK

I say and pull her into a tight hug and kissed her head

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