You overhear Harry talking badly about you at a party.

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You were feeling terrible- the loud noise and wine was getting to your head, and you didn't think you could hold your eyes open for one minute longer.

"Y/N, please don't go now, we haven't even done karaoke yet!" Your best friend pleaded. 

You felt awful- you didn't want to leave her birthday party early, but if you were being completely honest, you didn't think you could sit through her screechy singing.

"I have to get up early for work tomorrow, and Harry's gotta get to the studio and work on some things... I'm sorry, babe." 

You wrapped your arms around her, hoping she wouldn't argue with you much more. 

"Alright, I'm not stupid. Go home and have sex, not like I'm gonna be getting lucky tonight." She mumbled in your ear.

 You let out a quiet chuckle before turning to the crowd of people behind you, your eyes scanning for Harry.

 You began to walk around, the room dark and making it hard to see. Your head was hurting, your eyes were foggy, and you just wanted to go home.

Your eyes lit up when you saw him leaned up on the bar talking to one of his friends, Zack. 

You hadn't really gotten along with Zack in the past, but you tried to get over it- after all, Harry liked him for some reason. You slowly started to walk through the sea of people, Zack's obnoxious and boisterous laughter hurting your eardrums. 

The closer you got, the more your heart started to break.

"Man, why don't you just dump her? Break up with her ass, if you don't like her!" Zack laughed, his distaste for you finally coming out.

"Not that, Zack. Not that I don't like her, jus'... she's clingy as hell lately, I can't get a bloody moment alone." Harry laughed back, his hand running through his hair.

"Well, I always told you she was a pesty bitch." Zack was looking you dead in the eyes at this point as you stood behind Harry with teary eyes.

 "Speak of the devil."

Harry turned around with wide eyes, his heart pounding in his chest. 

"Oh, love, hi... is everything- are you, uh...."

You choked on your cries, doing all you could to keep them inside of you. You swallowed hard, suppressing all of the emotions built up inside of you.

 "Just wanna go home."

The party was about a half hour drive from your house, which meant you had to sit in a car with Harry, who obviously thought you were too far up his ass, for half an hour. 

You felt like your insides had been gutted out of you. You didn't want to say anything to him- hell, you didn't even want to look at him. 

You sat silently on your phone as his hand nervously tapped against the steering wheel. His free hand made its way onto your thigh, his fingertips gently touching the skin. Your body tensed at his touch, the feeling of euphoria he would normally send pulsing through your body was replaced by anger and aggression.

 You pulled your leg away from him, his hand plopping down onto the seat."

You alright, love?" He questioned."

I'm fine. Don't feel well." He nervously bit his lip, unsure of how to respond to your comment.

"Did someone do something to you at the party?" His eyes were glancing at you, then back to the road.

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