Can't do anything

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You couldn’t take it anymore. You loved Harry to death but everything was hard when he was never around, and hardly seemed to make any effort to accommodate both of your schedules, or your wants and needs. 

Over the past two years, you had gotten to know Harry like the back of your hand, but every time he leaves, he comes back a slightly different person. So this is you doing what you have to do to protect your heart from further damage.

Harry wasn’t supposed to come home for another two weeks, so you thought you had time to plan out how you were going to end things, however, Harry had planned to surprise you.

When Harry walked into your door, having unlocked it with a key you had given him, you were shocked. 

“Harry? W-What are you doing here?”

You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to take in that he was real and standing in front of you, a smile on his face as he wrapped his arms around your waist.

“Came to see you love.”

His smiled showed his very prominent dimples, and although you had been planning on breaking up with him, seeing his smile made your heart swell.

You nodded and wrapped your arms around him, squeezing him as you thought of how to bring up the topic.

Harry squeezed your back lightly, kissing the top of your head, causing tears to form in your eyes, eventually spilling out.

Harry heard a sniffle come from your body and he frowned as he pulled away from you, his hands on your shoulders so he could get a good look at you. 

“What’s wrong angel?”

You wiped at your eyes, sniffling some more. 

“There’s…there’s something we need to talk about.” You fiddled with your fingers, looking down at the floor to avoid his concerned gaze.

“Okay…” Harry spoke warily as he grabbed your hand, leading you to your bedroom, wanting to be more private even though you were the only two in your house. 

You sat down on your bed, feeling the bed shift when his weight was added as well. You cleared your thought, trying to be brave as possible.

You had never ended anything with anyone, so this was new and you just knew you were going to end up a bawling mess by the end of your speech.

Harry sat in silence, waiting for you to begin talking. He fiddled with his rings, getting a bit nervous. He had no idea what you were so worried about.

“Um..” You spoke, your voice soft, so you cleared your throat again.

 “I…I really can’t handle you being gone for months at a time, and I know you think you make enough time, but it just isn’t enough for me, and when you come back you’re still always busy.” You spoke while looking at your hands, not wanting to meet his gaze as you babbled.

“And…I just…I can’t even remember the last time we had a proper date, and I know…I signed up for this or whatever, dating a rock star and all, but…I need someone that’s gonna be there…to support my dreams as much as I support there’s…and you just…you don’t do that.” At this point, you were spilling your heart out to him. You decided to stop babbling and look at him, to see his reaction.

Harry’s jaw was clenched, and his hands were intertwined with each other. 

“I’m sorry…”

That was all Harry muttered, and while you figured that was all he was going to say, you still expected more.

 “I’m sorry I can’t be that person for you…”

Harry loved you with all of his heart, but he knew he was hurting you and he couldn’t bear to make it any worse.

You bit your lip, tears forming in your eyes. You wanted him to fight for you, to act how he used to, but he has changed.

 “It’s okay…” You choked out, not sure what else to say. 

Harry opened his mouth to speak, but immediately closed it, thinking before he spoke. 

“I think I should go…” 

He stood up, looking down at your crying frame, hating to see you like this, but he thought his presence was only making the situation worse. And so he left.

And you never saw him again, except for on TV or magazines.

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