You and Harry get into a fight at Anne's house

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It had been a stressful week for not only Harry, but you as well. And although you tried hard not to let your mood affect Harry, he wasn't doing a great job at doing that himself. 

Harry was sweet; a gentleman, that until he was pissed off and stressed. He became cold and would have his anger triggered by the slightest thing.

 Normally, he'd apologize an hour or two after he snaps which sends you both to your happy relationship again, both of you talking everything out.

But it had been a week, not a few hours.

 You had problems at work, the home cooked meal that you had been dying to try to cook from the internet was burned, you dropped your phone down the toilet and you had two cherries on top; Harry and your period. 

But a week ago, Anne had invited you and Harry for dinner along with Gemma.

Harry was dependent on the fact that you remembered that tonight was the dinner night, getting ready with no words shared.

 You changed in the bathroom while he changed in the bedroom; something that you hadn't done in so long.

The drive to Anne's house was agonizing. No tunes playing and no words shared, just the uncomfortable silence and the murmurs of "for fuck's sake"'s that left Harry's lips whenever someone did something stupid on the road. 

When you arrived to Anne's house, you expected Harry to stay and at least say anything, anything at all. But Harry was the first to get out of the car. 

You sighed, unbuckling your seatbelt and getting out, following Harry who now stood on the doorstep and had already rung the door bell.

"Awe! Come inside!" Anne instantly opened the door, 

pulling the both of you inside before hugging Harry tightly.

 "Someone needs to shave that." She patted his chin.

He chuckled, "Was meaning to, slipped out of my mind."

"Move along, now. I want to greet my future daughter-in-law." Anne giggled, pushing Harry aside.

You tensed. 

Although it was something Anne had always said but now, you weren't sure how to feel about it; how Harry felt about it.

 You hugged Anne tightly, almost as if she was putting you back together.

"I miss you, too, but I do know that this is not just a greeting hug." Anne whispered, rubbing your back soothingly.

You didn't realize your eyes were tearful until you pulled back and Anne cooed sympathetically and pulled you back for another hug.

 "Is it my son? Did he do this?"

You only sniffled, pulling away to wipe your tears.

 "Can we talk about this later, please?" You asked quietly.

"Of course." 

Anne rubbed your back before you both walked towards the living room where you were engulfed in a hug by Gemma the second she saw you.

She then punched you in the arm, making you wince and hold it. 

"What was that for?"

"For me having to find out you got promoted from Sarah the other day. We should have celebrated!" Gemma whined.

You bit your lip, feeling Harry's eyes on you in confusion and shock.

"Uh, it'a nothing really." You chuckled nervously, shrugging.

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