A/n: Damn, Daniel. Back at it Again with The 11 pm Thoughts

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Warning: long as fuck (and typos bc I'm tired af)

Why the fuck did I write this at 11 pm? Whatever, I'll probably just gonna publish it in the morning...or not.

So uh, about that Persona crossover. I kinda wanna hear everyone's idea about what if hypmic characters had a dungeon (or palace in p5) and what their shadow selves would look like.

Before we begin:
Shadows selves are twisted jungian archetypical mirror entities of the person they represent (according to the wikia). In P4, shadow selves represent repressed negative thoughts by their real life counterparts, only exaggerated to threatening proportions (you can see where I'm going for, o o f). In P5, shadow selves are generally more honest about their selfish motives than their real selves, yet cruel in their honesty when admitting to their corrupt actions (again, hint hint nudge nudge). To put it simply, shadow selves are a side that you don't want to see, or anyone to see.

A Palace is a manifestation of "distortion", strong negative and corrupt thoughts that warp the perceptions of people into a hazard for themselves and others (again, according to the Wikia). Interestingly enough, palace is somewhat similar to the dungeons from P4 cuz they reflects the mentality of the one who created them (this is gonna go south real bad, guys) 

It's 11 am and I can't stop thinking about Palace Owner!Gentaro because it works too well, it's almost scary. I based this entirely on Scenario Liar. Now, you may think that he might be lying about his life story, but technically you can't lie while using a hypmic so there's a good chance that his backstory is actually true. And about that "it's a lie" part at the end.... I don't know either, it's a paradox (I've been trying to figure this out for 4 nights straight).

As I have previously written on my 11 pm thoughts, the easiest one to imagine was probably Gentaro. His shadow would be a trapped princess in some kind of traditional castle. His palace would be a bitch to infiltrate because he basically closed his heart to others due to his past (orphaned, bullied, coping with loneliness, and having to make a living while going to school). His palace would have a shit ton of locked doors, the guards would probably be some sort of samurai, guarding the princess and keep intruders out (or irl, him pushing people away). Throughout the floors, there'd be rooms that represent the important memories that made him the way he is (him getting adopted, meeting his first friend, etc.) but distorted into his repressed emotions. Hoooooo boy.

Also, I'd like to add that there are probably cognitive version of the people who are important to his life like his grandparents, his friend, Ramuda, etc. Now here's where it gets juicy; imagine if there's a cognitive Dice (dun dun dun). Because Dice is like, his second friend after his sick friend. Also he and Dice aren't exactly close with Ramuda and think he's shady as hell (their only difference is that Gentaro pries while Dice is like yea whatever). I'd also like to add that Gentaro likes to tease Dice and see how he reacts.

Cognitive Dice would be "The Princess' Personal Knight", the more I write this sentence, the gayer it gets (though this can be interpreted in a platonic way like Shadow Yukiko to Chie). And you can bet your sweet asscheeks that he's the sub-boss. Imagine how awkward it is if Dice ever met Cognitive Dice, I don't even know where to begin like holy shit. After the palace he'd talk to Gentaro like "bro, I had no idea you thought of me that way" (way to fucking go, Dice). 

Shadow Gentaro would be a mix of Shadow Yukiko from P4 and Shadow Futaba from P5, but his shadow would feel "lonely" rather than feeling "trapped" like Yukiko. Though he tends to push people away, he subconsciously reaches out to people (kinda like how Shadow Futaba locks herself in yet she personally asked the PT to help her). He'd often tell lies like "I don't need friends" or "I'm not lonely" to himself all the time, preventing him from getting attached to others or making any sort of meaningful connection (that is until he met his friend, but you know).

Hence, why his shadow self would be a "princess trapped in a castle". I actually got the princess idea because Gentaro joked about him being a princess and Dice being his knight and also them being lovers in their past lives (sounds pretty gay if you ask me). Oof, this is getting more and more similar to Shadow Yukiko from P4 (in game, she sees Chie as her knight).

His encounter with his shadow self would be a.....painful one, like he carries that painful burden with him for years and now he's literally confronting it first hand (not to mention that shadows tend to be the exaggerated version of your inner problem, as if his weren't as bad as it already is). Idk about you, but I'd have a fucking breakdown if I were him. Their entire interaction would have his shadow blabbering about his true feelings and insecurities in which he denies (typical). His shadow self would tell him shit like "you're just a pathetic little princess who's afraid of being left alone" (big  o  o  f). 

Another one that I thought about was Saburo, I...haven't put a lot of thought in this one. He's too pure (not really).

I think his palace would be an rpg or a d&d castle/dungeon. His palace would definitely be a unique one, he plays by his own rules (cuz you know, he's the palace owner he can do what he wants) and makes infiltrating his palace a bit more tricky. Definitely has a lot of puzzles and locked chests. He definitely has a cognitive version of his brothers, he probably has a cognitive version of his classmates and teachers.

OG Saburo's personality is somewhat twisted, a bit narcissistic, and has a tendency to ridicule those who he thinks are beneath him. His shadow would be a more cruel, twisted, and honest version of himself. So imagine if Neito Monoma (haha, see what I did there?) had a shadow self and his shadow self is a wizard (or maybe just Monoma as a wizard), and there you go.

Imagine Saburo completely losing his cool and aggressively denies everything the shadow said (what else is new?). His shadow would talk mad shit about his personality, his insecurities, how he wants to be taken seriously, and how he just wants some to be with him, he'd be all "you're nothing but a narcissistic little brat who can't do anything by himself" (ouch).

Now, what do you guys think? What kind of palace and shadow do you think other characters have? What do you think of my *cough*shitty*cough* headcanon?

Note: pls tell me you still got the reference at the title. That meme is fukin dead

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