The one time Saburo actually asked for Jiro's help

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Jiro: *Sitting on an armchair while wearing a suit, slicked back his hair, and petting a cat plushie*

Jiro: You come to me now in your time of need, and beg for help. But when have you ever extended your hand in friendship?

Jiro: When have you given me the respect of calling me..... Godbrother?

Saburo: You made me wait 20 minutes just so you can put on a stupid costume and do a bad impression?

Jiro: You hear that, Fluffy? More disrespect.

Saburo: Fine *kneels by the armchair*

Saburo: I need your plotting, scheming, twisted mind

Jiro: *Raised an eyebrow*

Saburo: ..Godbrother...

Jiro: This is so sweet. Of course I will help you.

Jiro: But first I must serve hors d'oeuvres at the Greenwald-Demopoulos wedding.

Jiro: *Hands Saburo the plushie* Now, take Fluffy for a walk

Source: Hannah Montana

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