Chapter 14: Because You Exist.

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Willow felt rooted to the spot, frozen, unable to move. She couldn't believe that she'd stumble upon Hunter of all people making out with his girlfriend's best friend. Even though she was aware that he wasn't devoted to their relationship, but he had never been close to another girl in the public.

Willow should feel repulsed by this despicable act of his, and surprisingly she did, normally she would never be able to hate Hunter for his deeds, but this time, she felt nothing.

A chill ran up her spine, it bought her back to reality. She wiped the tears on her face quietly, and stepped back. I'm a cat, and I walk noiselessly, like a cat, because I'm a cat. I'm a cat. A cat. A cat. Willow chanted in her head as she stepped behind as stealthily as possible. She was impressed by how her heels made no sound.

But was fate ever at her side? Because if she was a cat, then Hunter was a dog. No scratch that, Hunter was a wolf, the big bad wolf, seeing how he's nothing like the nice dog in the woods the other day. Nothing like it.

Who was she supposed to blame? Fate or Hunter? Her skill at being a cat or spy should not be questioned here.

Well, it didn't matter now, since Hunter had snapped his head over to her, as if he sniffed her there. She was pretty sure it wasn't because of her light steps, since she herself couldn't hear her steps. Like she said before, he's a dog. No more questions.

Willow's breath caught in her throat. Hunter was handsome as always. His blonde hair seemed like hays sunbathing with a coat of honey for protection against the sun, but not against the insects—cough—girls. It was even styled in such a lazy manner, when looking at it would make you feel hot all over. But what scared Willow were his eyes. His eyes which acted like the gun hole, were shooting bullets at Willow.

Willow regretted it. Coming to the party, going green when watching Rowan and Lana together and now, this. She wanted to cry again but seems like she was running out of tears. Yep, the town's crybaby was running out of tears.

"Get out." Growled Hunter, since he was the big bad wolf.

Fuck you. Was what she wanted to say. "F'course." Willow rushed out after squeaking it out. She didn't want to stay in the same room as Hunter, she wanted to get out of this house. More like the logical part of hers. Knowing Hunter, he'd probably hunt her down.

Okay, bad time for bad puns.

Before Willow could hit the carpeted floor outside the tiled floor, she was stopped by the tight grasp on her wrist. What the hell? Was Hunter changing his mind on continuing his make out session with his girlfriend's friend?

Willow snapped her head back as she was pulled back in the bathroom. She stared at Hunter, telling him to let her go through her eyes. She stared at her wrist, which would surely break if Hunter held her hand for another five minutes. She was sure that it would swell and leave his handprint in dark shades of purple, blue and green with a hint of black.

"Get the fuck out." Yelled Hunter at Peyton.

"Hunter!" Said Peyton, that is when Willow noticed, the brunette, who seemed to have her dyed her hair to strawberry blonde, it looked quiet similar to Willow's red hair, but Willow's was darker. "What are you doing?"

"Are you disrespecting me?" Okay, wow!

"Alpha," stuttered Peyton. "I got carried away. Please punish me."

Excuse moi? There's still a third, single person in the bathroom. Technically, Peyton was also single. Only Hunter here had a girlfriend.

What is she? A masochist?

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