Chapter 26: Back To School Yay...Sob Sob.

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Willow stared with horror clearly showing on her face. She couldn't believe that one day of drinking less water will have this effect on her. She had a big, red pimple smacked right in the middle of her forehead.

Normally, Willow wouldn't have cared much. But at this point in her life, she only wanted to show the best side of her to Rowan. She didn't even know where she stood with Rowan. They were soulmates, alright, but does that make him her boyfriend? Because she can't go around telling people that he is her soulmate now, could she?

Nope, everyone would probably take it as a joke in the beginning but when she keeps on insisting on it, they'll probably book a psychiatrist for her.

What do you do if you wake up with a pimple on your forehead? Yes you turn to Google. And that's exactly what Willow did.

The first tip she saw was to put a band aid on it. Well, no.

Second was to cover it up with makeup, which was a good idea, but she didn't have a strong concealer, which would cover which would cover a bloody red pimple.

The third tip was to put garlic on it. She'd like to pass on it. First of all garlic would probably sting, second her soulmate is a Vampire.

The fourth was to pop the pimple. Willow threw her phone on her bed.

Willow wondered whether google was playing with her, and if it was then she didn't like it.

Sighing, Willow looked back in the mirror, wondering if she should just let it be. Her eyes moved lower and a blush creeped up her face. Her neck still had the bite mark left over by Rowan. She felt like it was like a hickey, making her face as red as it could get.

Willow was about to shower when an idea popped in her head.

Willow went back to get her phone. In five minutes she was standing back in front of the mirror with scissors in her hand. Following the YouTube instructions, she cut off her front hair, which she had parted, leaving a triangle on the top.

Willow looked at her newly cut bangs, which was not quite where she wanted it to be. Cutting up some more, she still felt like it was longer than normal, so she cut up a bit more. Nope, can't do. Now she cut up a bit longer hair and—and her bangs were too short.

Willow looked at the mirror, horrified. Her hair was supposed to fall over brows, then why were they a centimeter above her brows? Baby bangs did not suit her, not even a bit.

Willow sobbed without any tears to spare. Looking at the bright side, her pimple was covered, though she ended up messing her bangs. But she did have to thank God that her hair was nowhere close to those hair fail videos.

After taking a shower, Willow rushed to her closet. Picking out her clothes for the day, she headed back into the bathroom to dry her hair. Willow brushed her newly cut bangs, in hopes of growing them just a centimeter more. But it stayed the way it was. Willow could clip back her hair, but in order to do that she'll have to leave her pimple out in the nude.

Willow left her hair down. She put on her baby pink sweater tucked in a short denim skirt. She got in her brown boots and rushed to the vanity. Putting on some mascara and some gloss she rushed out of her room, before running back in and grabbing her school bag she ran to the kitchen.

Willow was a good cook in general. She had been planning on showing off her cooking to Rowan, but she was late and couldn't make the waffles she had been planning on.

"Where are you rushing to?" Asked Rowan who was coming down the stairs. He was dressed up for school in a white tank paired with a Tommy Hilfiger jacket, with some dark jeans. His black schoolbag was half slung on his shoulder

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