Chapter 15: The Night Is Still Young.

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Willow couldn't bare to stay there in the bathroom. She was angry and hurt and scared, it was like the day when he had labeled her as a 'Reject', all over. She felt like the whole house was cramming her in.

She had to get out.

While climbing down the stairs she also came across the same guy who had stopped her, he too noticed her. He scoffed at her before continuing his talk with the girl in front of him about some kid at school, hopefully not her.

Willow wanted to roll her eyes, but couldn't bring up the energy to do it or care.

Now that Willow thought about it, Hunter must be the reason why Rowan was avoiding her. He might have befriended Rowan, and told him to keep away from her. That made perfect sense to her, and also made her extremely mad and sad at the same time. She had too much expectation on Rowan. But the outcome, it hurt her badly.

Willow sniffed, her tears pooling in her eyes again, so she rushed to go outside away from the drunk, dancing people.

Once out, her face was hit with a cool breeze of the emerging autumn air. She sighed, but before she could let her breath go, she stiffened.

The backyard was mostly empty save for Carrie Bermann seated on the outdoor table, crying.

Willow slowly turned around and headed back in. The moment she stepped in, she felt guilty. Maybe she should ask her if she was alright, but then again, she was crying and that meant she was not.

She shouldn't be nosy.

But she didn't want to leave her there alone either, it's not like they were friends, but they weren't enemies either. In fact, Carrie was Melody's maternal cousin.

Willow had also read lots news about people in hysterics one day and suicide the other. Willow shuddered at the thought of Carrie doing it.

Willow crying was another thing, she felt like it became a habit, crying in her room at how pathetic her life was turning to be.

Turning back around, Willow stepped outside and headed over to the crying Carrie. Willow saw that Carrie was holding onto a big bottle of, probably some alcohol. Willow didn't drink. The only times she gets to drink alcohol is during gatherings or Christmas, that too, only wine.

"Hey," Willow began awkwardly. "Are you okay?" she asked the obvious.

Carrie looked up at her with bloodshot eyes and sniffed. "No."


"Are you okay?"

No. "Yes."

"You're lying. Just because I'm drinking this," Carrie pointed at her big bottle. "Doesn't mean that I'm drunk."

"Of course you're not." Said Willow. "Since you're fine, I'll be heading in."

"I'm fine." Said Carrie as she started crying, loudly. "He promised!"

"Oh what is it? I'm all ears." Said Willow forcefully, seeing how Carrie wanted to talk about her problem which Willow didn't want to hear.

It wasn't like Willow is a pushover...okay she is.

Willow sat her butt on the seat opposite Carrie's.

"I told him that we should break up, a year ago, but he insisted and said that he couldn't live without me." Sobbed Carrie. "He said that he was sure that we were mates. But now he met his mate and ditched me. I don't even see him anymore. I loved him so much, but he-" Hiccuped Carrie. "He just left me all alone. You should also have some." Carrie passed the bottle of wine over to Willow. "How am I supposed to live without him now?"

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