Chapter 25: Living in Hell Be Like: (Part II)

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Autumn came and then made way for winter. Willow felt like she could fall off any moment. Even though she wasn't a social butterfly, she was still close with some of the students, they could still be considered friends. But ever since that unfateful day, they all avoided her like the plague. She couldn't blame them, she knew the effect Hunter had on every single person in her school. He was the apex predator.

But it still stung whenever Willow sees the people who were her friends, some had even, as if to kiss up to Hunter and Triple, started bullying her. Willow felt like she had been betrayed.

At some point Willow had even asked Melody to act like they weren't friends anymore, since Willow had often heard people bad mouth Melody, though they never messed with her physically, which was probably because of JR. But at the end of the day, words hurt more than punches ever could.

Melody looked like she was ready to slap her, "You think I'll avoid you just because of some idiots? Think again! Because we're stuck together! If you go down, I go down with you."

When Willow had heard her, she couldn't help the tears from starting its own water show. Though Willow herself had asked Melody of it, she was glad, glad that Melody didn't abandon her. She didn't know what would have had happened to her if Melody had obliged with Willow's request.

A day before the winter vacation, Willow had survived the whole day, she was happy, that she not much had been thrown towards her. She felt like it was because of the holiday spirit that her day was quieter than mosts, yes there were some foot up ahead of her, which she side stepped, yes there were some name callings, the latest name was freak show, which she acquired after her episode of those deathly cramps.

It did make Willow feel like she was going crazy, though she gets them, but after numerous tests, her body was shown to be healthy. She had to even go for a therapy, because the doctors all believed that she was imagining the pain. But she wasn't, she could feel it, every single day, somedays it occurs once the other days, fives times. At first she used to get it only at night, but then the pain erupts anytime throughout the day.

Willow was looking forward to her vacation. And after a long day, she was finally free. As she was walking through the hallway, she had an ominous feeling, but since she was just seconds sway from freedom, she charged forward, not willing to stay a second longer in a place where she was unwanted.

Willow pushed the door open and was hit with something cold, no it wasn't the ice cold winter breeze, nor was it the plain ol' snowball, instead the bullies got creative. They threw a bucket full of cherry flavored slushie, a bucket full of slushie, making Willow wonder where in the world did they get the slushie in this cold weather.

Willow would have gladly accepted if they would have given it to her like a normal civilized person, instead of throwing it at her and wasting all that slushie.

"Just die you rejected freak." Said the person who had thrown it at her. Willow noticed that he was one of Hunter's friends. Jason or Jaxon, Willow wasn't sure. But Willow was sure that he was always hanging around Hunter.

Willow was a shivering mess, she could hardly hear the rest of them praising Jason or Jaxon. Willow silently walked towards her car, she knew that she looked like a shivering penguin, but she didn't care. Wait—do penguins shiver? She doubted.

At the beginning when she had fought back, the bullying had increased. But when she started acting like they didn't exist, it did get bad, but Willow was sure that even the bullies got bored so they slowly let her be, and Willow had planned that she would use this technique of ignoring them.

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