Chapter 23: Willow's New Jam.

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"Aloo." Came a soft sound through Willow's phone. It took everything in Willow to not cry.

Lisa was Willow's older cousin, the one on the phone was Emma, Lisa's two year old daughter.

Willow had to restraint herself from cooing. She had to switch into her acting mode. Willow smiled her best smile. "Hey, how are you?"

The line was silent from the other side.

Willow wasn't bothered. "I'm well too."

Willow knew it was rude to answer phone calls when she seated but she had to take the risk to avoid staying here. She stole a glance at Rowan, who furrowed his brows at her. The rest of the table had started up a conversation. But she only wanted the people near her to hear her conversation.

"Baby shark dududududu." Started Emma.

Willow dropped her smile. "What?" She couldn't believe that she had not seen Emma for half a year and now she started to sing! "You're coming to Onyxscar? No? You're an hour away?" Willow nervously looked at Rowan as if to ask 'What should I do?'

Rowan was fighting a smile when her eyes met his, she didn't think much of it, which she would later regret. Instead she took the smile as encouragement.

Willow paused when Emma had reached daddy shark. "No! What do you mean I'm not home? Why wouldn't I be home?" Two seconds later. "Of course I'm, where else would I be if not at home?"

When Emma started about grandpa shark, the line went off. Willow couldn't believe Emma hung up on her, she didn't even get to record Emma singing!

But what mattered most was that no one would call her, normally there aren't many people calling her, but when you are dealing with lemons, life pours bitter lemonade over you. Willow was very worried that someone would call her at this crucial moment, but she didn't show anything on her face.

Truly, Willow was reconsidering about joining an art college after high school, but now she wondered if she should join acting.


"Mhm, mom will be back in a few days."

"Okay then, I'll see you soon. Bye." Willow kept her phone face down on the table. She couldn't risk anything.

Willow smiled apologetically at Rowan's parents.

"Looks like little brother's mate can't stay here." Said Dane. "A pity."

Willow wondered what was wrong with them, her acting was top notch, but she didn't fuss over it for long. "I'm so sorry, but my cousin will be coming over to stay, so I'll have to leave. I actually wanted to stay here, but," Willow trailed off shrugging her shoulders, her face showing how regretful she felt.

"Oh! It's okay honey. You should head back home." Said Leona smiling at her.

"We'll be leaving soon." Said Rowan.

"You can stay," Said Willow. "If you want to." Though Willow didn't want to leave without Rowan, but she didn't want to sperate Rowan from his family.

"I want to go back with you."

Willow wasn't going to stop him. She didn't want to, in the first place.

A chuckle resounded in the room which had quieted down. Willow felt chills run up her spine. "I don't believe this. She's a human, she doesn't know the first thing about a Vampire and we're here waiting for her to rule over us. She's going to lead us to destruction!"

That wasn't true Willow knew the first thing about a Vampire, which happens to be the fact that they live on blood. She mentally huffed.

"Easton." Called the King.

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