Chapter 5 - "You'll see"

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Wyatt's lips were soft against Charlie's. It happened so quickly she barely had time to think. She automatically kissed him back. After a few moments though, anxiety hit her like a punch in the gut.

She pulled away. "I'm so sorry, I can't do this."

Wyatt took his hand off her, and held it up apologetically. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's ok," she said, stepping back. "It's just... I literally just got out of a relationship. I can't... I mean, I don't..." she tried to explain, but couldn't find the words.

"I understand," Wyatt nodded. His eyes told her he meant what he said. "I mean, I do like you and I wish things were different, but I respect that."

Charlie breathed out a sigh of relief. "Cool, thank you."

They both stood there awkwardly. Charlie wasn't sure what to do next. It wasn't like she could leave. She drove Alex and Jessica there.

"Can we still hang out?" Wyatt asked. "We can pretend like that didn't happen, if it makes you more comfortable."

"Yeah, that would be good," she nodded. She was really grateful he was being cool about this.

Charlie and Wyatt rejoined the group. The others had no clue about what transpired in the bushes, thankfully. They finished the game. It was still actually a lot of fun, even though Charlie never got her ball back. She decided she preferred to watch mini golf as a spectator anyway.

When they said their goodbyes, Charlie and Wyatt had another private moment while the other four were busy talking and exchanging phone numbers.

"Charlie, I totally understand what it's like to break up with someone and not be ready to date," Wyatt told her.

She nodded, not really wanting to talk about it anymore, but appreciating his kindness. "Yeah, it sucks."

"But I just wanted to say, whenever you are ready to date... I'd like to be first in line," he said, grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

Charlie sighed. She didn't know if she would ever be ready to date anyone again, unless she was getting back together with Cassius. "Is just friends ok for now?"

"Of course," he nodded. "But you'll change your mind eventually, you'll see."

*** Do you think Charlie will ever change her mind about Wyatt, or is he going to just be a friend?

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